World News and Trends: What if America leaves Iraq ?

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What if America leaves Iraq ?

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American troops will one day leave Iraq . When and how this will happen are difficult questions to answer. The variables governing American withdrawal from Iraqi soil are complex, for both Iraqis and American forces.

If America withdraws abruptly, terrorists would claim immediate victory (as Hamas terrorists have done in the wake of Israel 's withdrawal from Gaza ), showing that terrorist tactics work and no doubt encouraging their spread.

This would undoubtedly also encourage other governments to view America as a frightened superpower—prompting friends to lose respect and question American commitments and motivating enemies to further test U.S. muscle. If America has no prepared strategy for its departure, the Middle East could easily become even more of a seething cauldron than it already is.

Much good has been accomplished: The removal of Saddam Hussein and of the potential for weapons of mass destruction, as well as giving the Iraqis a chance to create a nontotalitarian government, is commendable, although the loss of any human life is terrible.

Does prophecy deal with the Middle East question? The Bible reveals that "at the time of the end" a great Muslim confederation will arise in the Middle East, led by an individual referred to as "the king of the South" (Daniel 11:40). When that happens, Armageddon will follow shortly, moving God to send the Messiah to save humankind from itself. If you'd like to learn more, request or download our free booklet The Middle East in Bible Prophecy.