How Could Christ Not Sin
I doubt it, but let's just say it's possible. Okay, if I could do it for one entire day, maybe I could do it for two. But for a week or a year? Get real! Yet Jesus Christ did it for 33 years! That's pretty amazing considering he was "in all points tempted as we are" (Hebrews 4:15). He was a man, a human being, with temptations all around; and He had Satan working on Him overtime. Still, He never sinned, not even once! No lies, no coveting, no envy, lust or greed. He never overate, got drunk or ever even wanted to take something that wasn't His.
How Could He Do It?
Well, first of all, He knew all of man's sordid history. He'd seen what sin had done, first with the fallen angels, then with man. War, hate, murder, pain, sorrow, guilt, sickness, death, depression, pollution, ad nauseam are written in man's sick history over and over.
Christ hated sin with a passion! Sin was as abhorrent to Him as a plate of food doused with cyanide would be to us. He saw right through its tantalizing moment of pleasure into the cesspool of death where it would lead.
But He was also in constant contact with His Father. His 40-day-and-night fast was a pretty solid reinforcement for His determination!
Secondly, He had also experienced living with God the Father for eternity and had experienced complete happiness, joy and peace. He knew that if He failed, not only He, but all mankind—all God's beloved children—would die forever and never know that wonderful joy! And above all things, He loves His Father and His children.
Most married people who have a loving relationship with their spouse and a family relationship that has taken years to build can easily withstand the temptation to cheat on their spouses. Why? What they have at home is so precious to them that to even toy with something that could destroy it is unthinkable.
What Christ left in order to become human was so far beyond any kind of fleeting earthly pleasure from sin that He could resist all temptations.
The responsibility and the pressure to keep Himself pure could only be done by one totally filled with God's Spirit and wisdom, with total understanding of just where sin leads, a longing to be back in the bosom of His family and an overwhelming love for God's children. UN