United Church of God

Prepare to Be a King!

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Prepare to Be a King!

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Shepherds Ruling With a Rod of Iron As kings we will be the leaders in the Millennium. Today we grieve when we see all the injustices caused by the rulers in the world. It will be part of our job description to bring righteous justice to all people. Our rods will be shepherds' staffs to those who are humble and willing, but rods of iron to those who are proud and defiant. God says that during the Millennium no one will be able to hurt or destroy (Isaiah 11:9). In our cities, both young and old will dwell in peace. As kings we will bring peace from chaos. During our lifetime we are in the process of proving that we are faithful stewards with the things God gives us, and during the Millennium Christ will be able to trust us to rule and judge those He places under us (Luke 19:12-19). Our Role as Priests When Israel returns to Jerusalem, God will remove their spiritual blindness and give them His Holy Spirit. Then, as priests, we will teach them the way of peace and the difference between right and wrong, between clean and unclean (Ezekiel 44:23). We will be the shepherds that Jesus sends to teach God's way of life (Jeremiah 3:15). When individuals begin to stray, we will be with them, guiding them saying, "This is the way, walk in it" (Isaiah 30:20-21). We will teach God's way in all the earth. It will start with Israel, as they are to be the model nation for the rest of the world, but we will be sent forth to all lands to teach God's ways. Let No One Take Your Crown Stop and think more often about God's master plan and the incredible calling He has given us. God the Father has personally invited you and me to be leaders in His Kingdom. He has offered us the privilege of helping bring many sons and daughters to glory. Yet God warns us not to take our calling lightly and thus lose our crown of glory (Revelation 3:11). Nothing in this world can compare to the glory God wants to give us. But if we're not careful, we can let the cares of this world and the lusts of the flesh cause us to lose out on our awesome destiny. God called us because He knows we can be great kings. Let's endure until the end so we can stand with Jesus Christ and hear Him say, "Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things" (Matthew 25:23). UN