United Church of God

Treasure Digest: An Answer in the Midst of Trial

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Treasure Digest

An Answer in the Midst of Trial

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Most of us believe that to lose a child is one of the greatest trials we can ever face. Years ago, I faced that trial when the baby I was carrying for seven months died in the womb. The following Monday, I was in the hospital having had induced labor that lasted about 10 hours.

The nurse gave my baby to me to hold and examine. For a few moments, I felt an odd sense of peace for the little one and a half pound daughter I held. I had planned on naming her Rachel.

Later, the hospital staff came in and told me that Rachel could be sent to be buried in a funeral of our choice, or I could allow the hospital to cremate her free of cost. I knew money was tight and wondered what I should do. I would have liked to have a quiet little funeral. I knew my (now former) husband preferred no cost, but he said I could choose.

Alone in the hospital bed, I fervently prayed to God for help. When I was done praying, the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego just "popped" into my head. I thought about Daniel 3:8-30 and especially verses 17 and 18 where these three men knew God would deliver them at the time and, if not, they had confidence in His plan anyway.

If Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego had died in that fire, would God have still raised up their bodies even if they had been burned in the hottest of fires until there was no sign of them left? Will God raise up all the people who have ever died in fires or been cremated? Of course He would and of course He will! I had my answer. It will be OK.


  • itsmetrish

    Thank you Carolyn. This has been on my mind. Your article helped me. It is much appreciated.

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