United Church of God

Treasure Digest: Running With Weights or Wings?

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Running With Weights or Wings?

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Being around the Church some 43 years of my 51 years of life, I can recall many a sermon and many an analogy about the scripture Paul was inspired to write in a letter to Corinth . He stated colorfully in 1 Corinthians 9:24: "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it."

One of the keys to winning the spiritual race is that we have to cope with failure. Yes, winning and failing can go together, depending on how we deal with the failing. The point is that we have to get back up. After the "face-plant" that we all do, this pastor included, we can't lie in the dirt, wallowing in guilt or shame. We will be disqualified for quitting.

Even kings, the good kings, trip and fall. King David did big-time, yet he recovered. He enjoyed many good years after his fiasco. Though he also faced the painful consequences of his sin with Bathsheba, in the end, David made a beautiful comeback. He was like a runner who was sprinting, leaving everyone else in his dust—who then crashed. Some would just admit defeat, but not David. He got up and made it across the finish line.

Another point we must embrace is that if we want to run at God's pace, if we want to run fast, we have to run light. Would you run a 10K race wearing a backpack of clutter, a pack full of stuff, just because you are used to the stuff or clutter? I don't think so.

As you run the race of life, you need to periodically ask yourself about the different things you are doing—the things that have become a part of your life over time—are they weights or wings? Will they speed you on your way, or will they slow you down? Are they increasing your spiritual appetite or diminishing it? Are they making you stronger or weaker?

Can you have the courage to look in the mirror to see that some activity is slowing you down, diminishing your thirst for God or making you run slower? Then get rid of it. Jettison those things that slow you down or even pull you back, and run as lightly as you can.

If you listen to the apostle Paul, whose supreme coach was Jesus Christ, and you make a commitment to follow Christ, like David, you can get back in the race and make a beautiful finish! Yes, you can!