United Church of God

Treasure Digest: Stand on the Rock!

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Treasure Digest

Stand on the Rock!

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It was a glorious morning in Maui. Sunrise was breathtaking. Pink clouds were airbrushed like cotton candy against dawn's pale blue sky. Gray-green waves laced with foam crashed onto the beach made up of jet-black rocks.

And standing just out of reach of the surf on spindly legs was a lone white heron, seemingly oblivious to the tide that kept surging in, nearly overtaking it. Suddenly, the bird hopped up onto a rock. It then stood there staring, impassive, impervious to the incoming waves.

Life's waves are real. But so is our Rock.

In Mark 4:35-39 the disciples were journeying with Christ in a boat. A storm arose that threatened them. Christ was asleep, so they woke Him and He rescued them. From this, we can learn three lessons.

1. Waves are a normal part of life. Some are calming. Others are deadly, like the Indian Ocean tsunami. God will not keep us from the waves, because He wants to glorify Himself in us through the waves, good or bad.

Some trials come in waves, rolling in one after the other, crashing into us, threatening to swamp us. Whether it be in our health, family, job, church or relationship with God, waves can rock our boat, leaving us exhausted. We can become fearful, not faithful.

2. Christ was right there. When the waves arose, the disciples panicked. Yes, Christ was asleep, but He was not far away, as Acts 17:27 reminds us. If God seems far away, then we are to blame; for as Psalm 121:4 says, the God of Israel never slumbers or sleeps.

3. We need to talk to Him. If God seems far away, we need to rise and pray, as Jesus instructed His disciples the night before His death. Diligent Bible study, fervent prayer and occasional fasting allow us to move closer to God. He becomes real to us, even during the waves. And in His time, He moves to bring peace and calm the storm.

So let's remember that lone heron, standing on its rock. And let's internalize these three lessons from Mark 4. God and Jesus Christ can help us enjoy the calm waves and calm life's big waves. Life's waves are real—but so is our Rock. Jesus Christ will lead us, His modern disciples, to the completion of our spiritual journey, if we allow Him to.