Treasure Digest
Turning the Hearts...Reducing the Risk in Selecting a Mate, Part 2
How may we take some of the risk out of mate selection? Last time we looked at three important points: Take plenty of time to make a decision. Pray for God's guidance and wisdom. Seek wise counsel.
Now let's consider another vital biblical principle:
• Consider the biblical roles. In Ephesians 5:21-33, the apostle Paul lays out two major areas for married couples. For the wife, he says that a key role is that of submission. But what does that mean and how do both potential spouses understand "submission"? A woman should ask herself, "Do I find myself easily following his lead?" Does her potential spouse lead her in the right direction and make wise choices? Or is she going to be challenging him regularly because he is not one that she can easily follow? The man should ask himself, "Does she follow my lead or does she object to my style of leadership regularly?"
Similarly, the man should ask himself if he is prepared to love his wife and give himself for her as Christ loved the Church. Is the woman you want to marry lovable? The woman should ask herself if she feels loved by being with the man she is hoping to marry. Does he show honor and respect? Do you feel "warm" being with him?
These two roles are stressed in the Scriptures, so it is vital that the couple consider them before making any decision to marry.
Since marriage is at the heart of the family according to God's Word, we must do all that we can to take the risk out of mate selection. Then our marriages and our families may be blessed and bring stability to our communities, God's Church and our country. And our wonderful, loving God, the Founder of marriage, will be honored in this holy institution.