United Church of God

Treasure Digest: U.S. Draft Rumors

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U.S. Draft Rumors

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The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported on Nov. 8, that "talk of a draft has heated up in recent days."

According to the article (titled "Talk of a Draft Grows Despite Denials by White House"), "The Defense Department fueled the debate this week when it placed a notice on its Web site asking for 'men and women in the community who might be willing to serve as members of a local draft board.' The notice, which appeared on an official Web page for the Selective Service System titled 'Defend America,' explained: 'If a military draft becomes necessary, approximately 2,000 Local and Appeal Boards throughout America would decide which young men, who submit a claim, receive deferments, postponements or exemptions from military service, based on Federal guidelines. Positions are available in many communities across the Nation.' The Pentagon wouldn't comment on the notice, and by yesterday it had been pulled from the Web site without explanation."

Young men and women may want to discuss this with their pastors, and see the Fundamental Belief on "Military Service and War" (www.ucg.org/booklets/FB/militaryservice.htm).