Answers from Genesis - Part 4

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Answers from Genesis - Part 4

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We continue exploring the book of Genesis and the common questions asked about it. Here are the answers as we best understand them in light of the Bible.

Where is the Garden of Eden today?

No one knows for sure, because it was located in a pre-Flood landscape, but the Bible leaves some geographical clues about where it existed.

The Bible states the Garden of Eden was situated where four rivers branched out (Genesis 2:10-14). Two of the rivers mentioned in the Garden of Eden are still known today—the Hiddekel (the Tigris) and the Euphrates (Genesis 2:14). The other two rivers, the Pishon and the Gihon, are not readily identified.

It is possible, though, that two great dry river beds revealed in that area by satellite imagery could turn out to be these two ancient rivers—the Pishon and the Gihon (see Smithsonian, "Has the Garden of Eden Been Located at Last?" Vol. 18, 1987). It may be that the Garden of Eden was located close to where the Tigris and the Euphrates converge and empty their waters, in the northern tip of the Persian Gulf.

An alternative view has more recently been presented by archaeologist David Rohl in his book Legend: The Genesis of Civilisation (1998), as well as in a TV documentary on The Learning Channel, In Search of Eden (2002). He proposes that the Garden of Eden could have been situated near the headwaters of the Tigris and the Euphrates—more specifically in northwest Iran. He makes a plausible argument based on linguistic and historical evidence. Yet for now the matter remains one of conjecture.

It's interesting to read the legends that grew up in various cultures about the Garden of Eden. The Sumerians, who lived in the southern region of Mesopotamia (which means land between the rivers), believed their origin was in the land of Dilmun, a paradise where all the animals were tame and neither sickness nor death existed. They wrote, "It is a pure, clean and bright place ... where the lion does not kill, nor does the wolf devour the sheep" (Samuel Kramer, History Begins in Sumer, 1974, p. 228).

The Babylonians called this paradise Eridu, where "Adapa" (the Babylonian Adam) lived. They said he was the seed of mankind, but later offended the gods by obtaining secret knowledge and was made mortal, thus bringing sickness upon the people. They wrote, "Near Eridu was a garden, in which was a mysterious Sacred Tree, a Tree of Life, planted by the gods ... protected by guardian spirits, and no man enters" (Halley's Bible Handbook, 1965, p. 66).

Archaeological evidence shows the entire area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers to have been significantly populated from the beginning of civilization, and it is the region where the most ancient forms of written script—pictographic and cuneiform—have been found.

In any case, it's probably impossible to know just where the Garden of Eden was, despite the clues we have. It couldn't be found by archaeology even if one knew the vicinity in which to look, as there would be no ruins to excavate—civilization having developed after man's expulsion from Eden.

Furthermore, the garden was part of the pre-Flood world that was completely covered with water and destroyed during the great Flood. No recognizable remains of the Garden of Eden would have survived by the time Noah, his family and the animals disembarked and began to populate the newly transformed terrain.

Still, in giving us indications of its whereabouts, God assures us that this paradise was a real place—where real history happened.

The Bible says, "Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him" (Genesis 5:24). What happened to Enoch?

Some erroneously jump to the conclusion that Enoch was taken up into heaven, but notice the Bible nowhere says this. It simply says that God "took him." It does not specify where he was taken.

Jesus Christ later stated in the Gospel of John that "Scripture cannot be broken" (10:35). One of the points He was making was that one passage of the Bible cannot contradict another passage.

This same Gospel of John reveals a startling fact very pertinent to this matter: " No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven" (John 3:13, emphasis added throughout).

Clearly, Jesus Christ was the only human being who had ascended into heaven. The phrase "who is in heaven" lets us know that this was written by the apostle John after Christ's return to heaven. So even as late as this statement, no human being—and that includes Enoch—had ascended into heaven.

We later read about Enoch's fate in Hebrews 11:5: "By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, 'and was not found, because God had taken him'; for before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God." The word rendered "taken" can also mean "transferred elsewhere." And the New American Standard Bible says this was done "so that he would not see death"—a better translation than "did not," since we know from the same chapter of Hebrews that he died.

Notice in verse 13 the summary given of all of the men and women of faith listed here, including Enoch: " These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth" (Hebrews 11:13). So Enoch definitely died as well as all the rest.

How then can it be that Enoch was transferred elsewhere so he wouldn't see death? God doesn't give us all the details of what happened, but a few scenarios have been proposed that do not conflict with the fact that Enoch died as the Bible says.

It may be that God transported Enoch elsewhere to keep him from being killed at a certain time—perhaps protecting him from martyrdom at the hands of angry persecutors who didn't like his announcement of coming divine judgment (see Jude 14-16). God likewise supernaturally transported Elijah and Philip to other places on earth (see 2 Kings 2:11; Acts 8:39).

On the other hand, we should observe that Enoch died young for his time—at age 365 while those before and after him lived into their 800s and 900s. Because of this, some speculate that God "took him" from life prematurely so that he would not have to live out his remaining centuries in a miserable world (compare Isaiah 57:1-2). His next moment of consciousness will be the resurrection. In this case, "so that he would not see death" would refer to his not having to experience the process of dying—his life ending instantly.

Still others, putting the likelihood of Enoch experiencing persecution together with his early death, have concluded that Enoch was murdered—martyred for his preaching. Enoch being taken and not found would then refer to God removing his body and burying it—as happened with Moses (Deuteronomy 34:5-6). It is even proposed that the murderer was Cain's descendant Lamech, who killed a young man (Genesis 4:23-24)—but there is no way to know if this was Enoch. In this case, Enoch being taken or transferred so that he would not see death is taken as separate matter—that of him being spiritually converted, transferred from the world's ways to God's way of living, so that he would not see ultimate death in the lake of fire (compare Colossians 1:13; John 8:51).

Again, we don't have enough details to know exactly what is intended. But we do know that Enoch did not skip death and go to heaven. He died, and no human being has ascended to heaven except Jesus Christ. To learn more, send for or download our free booklet What Happens After Death? VT


  • Granizus
    Thank you Malachi 3_16-18.
  • Malachi 3_16-18
    Hi Granizus, Glad if I can help you. This scripture commonly causes confusion, as it seems to say that the thief on the cross would join Jesus in heaven later that day. You are right; other places in the Bible say that no one has ascended to heaven except for Jesus Christ (as in the verses you quote). So how does one reconcile this seeming discrepancy? The answer is by using correct punctuation. The Greeks didn’t use punctuation as we do in English. And at times Bible translators followed their own biases, including the doctrinal belief about going to heaven when we die, when there was any doubt as to where to place commas, etc. Luke 23:43 should correctly read, "And Jesus said unto him, 'Verily I say unto thee today, thou shalt be with me in paradise.' " We know that Jesus didn’t even go to heaven the day of His crucifixion, because He told Mary Magdalene three days later that He hadn’t yet ascended to His Father (John 20:17). Hope this clears up the question for you.
  • Granizus
    Hi, I've been reading some of the articles that I've downloaded from UCG's website and I've been enjoying a lot. However, when I read the article entitled "Answers from Genesis, Part 4", which talks about the Garden of Eden, you highlight this part below; “ No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven” (John 3:13, emphasis added throughout). Then, when it dawned on me, I got myself with a question, and I'd like to know how would you reply to the question regarding what Jesus told the thieth in the moment of the crucifixion. "Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”" (NIV Luke 23:43) So, I hope you understand my doubt and curiosity, and beforehand I demonstrate my gratitude and appreciation for your attention and answer. Best Regards, From Brazil, Urias Wesclei
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