Atheism is Dead - God

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Atheism is Dead - God

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Is God Dead?" So asked the cover of Time magazine on April 8, 1966, in the midst of the sexual and drug revolution. The headline echoed the atheistic sentiments of the 19th-century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (pronounced NEE-che).

Nietzsche wasn't the first person to reject God's existence, but he was one of the more famous to do so in the late 1800s. In his book The Gay Science he wrote, "God is dead," and gave his own (obviously fictitious) account of "God's murder." From 1859 Charles Darwin's theory of evolution attracted many philosophers and scientists. It gave them a doctrine—actually an atheistic religion—to replace any belief in God as the Creator of all things. Nietzsche's "God is dead" philosophy helped popularize the implications of the theory of evolution.

Especially in America—ironically often described as the most religious nation in the world—a battle continues between those who believe in God and the atheistic-evolutionary forces of popular culture, science and higher education. The intimidation factor of higher education has ensured that you are taught the "theory" of evolution in school as unarguable fact. (To learn the real facts of the matter, order our free Bible study aid booklets Life's Ultimate Question: Does God Exist? and Creation or Evolution: Does It Matter What You Believe?)

God most assuredly is not dead. The T-shirt of a friend of mine bore a clever message in this regard. The first line said, "God is dead. —Nietzsche." The second line said, "Nietzsche is dead. —God." Truth is in the second line. But here's a greater truth: Atheism is dead too.

Its proponents don't know that yet, but as a philosophy—actually a godless religion with evolution as its handmaiden doctrine—atheism is truly dead. However, the atheist movement presently thinks it has the upper hand. Militant atheism or atheist activism is regularly in the headlines during these early years of the 21st century. Atheism websites and publications abound. Beginning about 2009, evangelistic atheism advertisements have been plastered on buses in many European and American cities.

Nevertheless, though popular for the moment, atheism's demise is coming—with no possibility of resurrection.

Why is atheism dead?

For any readers who've embraced atheism, this is offered as encouragement to reconsider that philosophy.

Honestly, atheism died for a lack of truth and logic. It lacks truth because, first, God is not dead and, second, the godless philosophy depended on unprovable evolution to explain life. Being unprovable, evolution remains a theory—and not a good one. A viable theory is supposed to fit the facts available—yet evolution does not even come close.

Atheism lacks logic because it underestimates the complexity of life, doesn't do math well—especially fractal geometry—and it won't ask itself the really hard question. (Fractal geometry, originally called Chaos Theory, is a relatively recent branch of mathematics that discovered that the patterns of coastlines, leaves, trees, hilly landscapes and virtually anything in nature are not random but mathematically calculable—and evidence of a supreme Designer!)

What is the atheist movement trying to do?

What have most great religions attempted throughout history? Answer: dominate. Remember, atheism is essentially a nontheistic religion, and human nature is remarkably predictable.

This question was clearly summarized in a December 2011 blog titled "What Are the Goals of the Atheist Movement?" by leading atheist activist Greta Christina. In essence, the first goal as she expressed it is to "see atheists fully accepted into society, and to have atheism accepted as legitimate." One could argue that this goal seems to have long been met in most halls of academia. The other goal is more ominous: "a world where there's no religion"—no religion except atheism, of course.

Why does atheism hate traditional religion so much?

A recurring atheistic argument against traditional religion is that all the world's wars (and other societal evils) have been caused by religion. Sadly, this is true to a significant degree. But we must realize that these are consequences of false religion—not merely believing in God. Even much that has been passed off as Christianity is not the true Christian religion of the Bible. Moreover, we should ask: Has atheism ever been guilty of wars, killing and destruction?

Dr. Rudolph Rummel of the University of Hawaii, in his book Death by Government, chronicled how many of their own people various governments in history have killed (not including battle deaths or capital punishment for crimes). The worst of the worst, in terms of sheer numbers, was the communist Soviet Union, which murdered nearly 62 million Soviet subjects during its 70-year history. The next most deadly was the communist Chinese government launched by Mao Tse-Tung, with 35 million killed. In third place was Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany, which exterminated 21 million. It should be realized that Friedrich Nietzsche's godless philosophy infused Nazi thinking.

But the worst murderer of its own people by percentage was the Cambodian communist regime of Pol Pot, which during the late 1970s slaughtered one third of the country's 6 million people.

Belief in God didn't cause these atrocities. They were perpetrated by fundamentally atheistic regimes. So atheism is by no means a panacea.

Why doesn't atheism ask the hard question?

Put any discussion of the divine, spiritual law on hold. Scientists—including atheistic ones—believe in, constantly rely on, and use the laws of physics (including mathematics and all the natural laws of science) to carry out their work. The hard question: Where did the laws of physics come from, and why do they always work?

Atheism doesn't want to answer this question, yet science willingly assumes the certainty of these physical laws. Theoretical physicists have in recent years developed the matrix or M-Theory—an extension of string theory—to explain the universe. (You'll have to google it, as there's no room to address it here.) But even that has at its basis certain fixed laws of physics. Where did those laws come from?

When pushed for an origin of the laws of science, the atheistic-evolutionary answer essentially is that those laws have just always been there. Thus logic fails the atheist movement by the refusal to address origins.

There is an answer, though. Let's move from the seemingly unknown (origin of the laws of physics) to the known (origin of societal laws). Where do laws governing society come from? That's easy. They are made by legislators and sustained, albeit imperfectly, by judicial branches of governments. Societal laws don't exist by happenstance, and neither do the laws of science—they are specifically made and dynamically sustained! Bottom line: Laws—spiritual or physical—demand a Lawgiver who is also a law Sustainer. And that would be God.

The future of atheism

God is on His throne, and Jesus Christ will soon return to the earth to establish the Kingdom of God. However, there is an evil spirit being—Satan the devil—who wants human beings to reject belief in God, and as one of his many deceptions he has spawned atheism (compare John 8:44; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Revelation 12:9).

On the horizon before Christ's second coming is the worst world war in history (see our free Bible study aid booklet Are We Living in the Time of the End?). And this war will arise from conflicts between world religions—false religions, not the true religion of the Bible. As the battle lines are drawn, the resulting fervor will draw atheists and believers alike to one worship system or another—but, again, not the worship of the true God as revealed in the Bible. Atheism as we know it today will be virtually extinguished in those troubled times.

And as the divine plan in Scripture unfolds, all will come to believe in God. The question then will be whether they choose to believe what God says. Either way, the conclusion is the same: Atheism is dead. —God.


  • Joshua Infantado
    There is really no need to argue here.:) Just read the free booklets found in these links and you will have your answer. Just like the Psalm 14:1, the FOOL hath said to his heart, "there is no God"... (No offense) so it is useless to talk to a fool.:) For those people who would like to comment here in the future, remember this proverb... Pro 26:4 Don't answer a fool according to his foolishness, or you will be just like him. Pro 26:5 Answer a fool according to his foolishness, or he will think himself to be wise.
  • KARS

    It's true we change and adapt to our enviroment and some of use go extinct. However, we Bible scholars know that the rainbow, the oldest living tree on this earth came right after the flood and archeology has proved time and time again that there is a God and His Only Begotten Son. So argue as you may. We are here because He made our fist to parents Adam and Eve.

  • Tallgrass05

    "atheistic-evolutionary forces of popular culture, science and higher education."

    Atheism really has nothing to do with evolution, popular culture, science, or higher education. Atheists don't believe in any supernatural beings based on a lack of evidence for such beings. That is independent of evolution, culture, science, and education. Why don't Christians believe in Zeus, Brahma, Vishnu, Ra? Is it a lack of evidence for those deities?

    "Why is atheism dead?" "....atheism died for a lack of truth and logic."

    Actually, it's thriving and growing. People are leaving religion for many reasons.

    "atheism is essentially a nontheistic religion"

    Atheism is not a world view, it has no codes of conduct, it has no strictures. It is not a religion. Saying that atheism is a religion is like saying not collecting stamps is a hobby.

    "Why does atheism hate traditional religion so much?"

    Atheism does not hate religion. Atheists don't care if people worship God, Thor, Zeus, or a rock...but please keep the deities out of government and public education.

    Using Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot as examples of the evils of atheism is illogical. Using that logic, because Richard Nixon was a Quaker who escalated the war in Vietnam and bombed Hanoi, all Quakers are warmongers. I recall the God of the Old Testament engaging in genocide, infanticide, rape, and slavery.

  • ThinkForYourself


    Sorry, that comment was incomplete. The "last comment" I mentioned has apparently been blocked by the moderators. I didn't say anything offensive, as far as I know, but for whatever reason I'm not being allowed to speak my mind... If you would like to keep talking, I'd be happy to talk about it, but I'm not sure where we could continue the conversation, since I'm not being allowed to speak here.

  • dziwczyna

    So how does one get to the afterlife, if there is no God? I had a friend, who was not an athiest but agnostic, say that you create it yourself. How is that possible?

  • ThinkForYourself

    I want to make a correction on that last comment; not all atheists say there is no afterlife. I'm probably hurting my own cause by making us sound like a conglomerate group (lol), but I was just speaking as an average atheist.

  • ThinkForYourself


    For an atheist to believe in anything, there needs to be scientific proof of its existence. Visual, audible, tangible, or any other sort of legitimately detectable proof that can be studied and experimented on. Of course I don't want to be offensive here, so please don't take this offensively, I'm simply using this for argument's sake: Think about what it would take for someone to believe in fairies. They would have to find, capture, and study a fairy to determine that it is not some hoax by man or some sort of pre-explainable phenomena. As far as the other part goes, I'm not convinced that the God of Christianity is a 'good' power.

    You may have legitimate proof, for yourself, for the existence of God, but you have to understand that that's not enough proof for anyone other than yourself. Have you visually literally seen God's hand, and can you show it to someone else? How could you prove that the good things that happened to you were not coincidence? Does that mean that the bad things that happened to you were directly from God as well?

    You may think that creationism is logical, but it directly counteracts scientific discovery... In addition, the logical course of action is to base theory upon discoveries and observations, but creationism is based upon nothing but the Bible and the opinions of humans. I don't doubt your university education, so please don't take this offensively, but I wonder if you have taken higher courses in biology and chemistry. I feel like you would have a full understanding of how functions of our body came to be over time according to evolution if you understood the fundamental forces of evolution. It is perfectly plausible, and incredibly likely, that life would evolve on one of the billions of planets just in our galaxy, let alone the rest of the universe.

    And, regarding your last question, atheists of course do not believe in an afterlife. We have no reason to believe in an afterlife, as no scientific evidence can be produced for it (To cover this argument, any claims of "seeing the light" and "meeting loved ones" from patients who were technically 'dead' can be explained by the brain's tendencies to 'dream' while close to death. Of course UCG doesn't believe in an immediate resurrection, so I shouldn't have to explain that).

    Thanks for having a respectful conversation about this :P I though I'd be eaten alive...

  • dziwczyna


    What would it take for an athiest to believe in a God? What would need to be proved? If you saw a sign, how would you know it was from a 'good' power and not an 'evil' one?

    For myself, I can tell you that God exists because I have seen His hand working in my life. Many wonderful things have happened to me, which were not a result of coincidence.

    I'm sure you don't mean to be offensive in your views, but I personally think that creationism is logical. I can think for myself, and I am university educated. It makes perfect logical sense to me that I have been created masterfully. If hearts, reproductive systems, brains, blood, veins, etc... evolved, there would have been no hope for reproduction or human life on this earth.

    So, what will happen when you die? Do athiests believe in an afterlife?

  • ThinkForYourself


    Hey! Sorry about the stern tone of that other message, I was just getting blocked by the moderators for posting meaningful things... I'm happy to have a meaningful, mature conversation about the topic. :)

    Regarding your question, the reason I said that atheism and evolution are independent is that atheism doesn't inherently contain a definition for the creation of the universe. There are any number of theories that any person could imagine. In order to dismiss the idea of a creator, one does not have to accept the theory of evolution. Now, in all truth, a massive majority of atheists, of course, do believe in evolution, because, for us, it appears to be the most logical explanation of our origins and is the most supported theory by scientific fact and discovery.

    Essentially, atheism does not equal evolution. Why? It goes back to your question, "how else could atheists explain the creation of the world?". The simple answer is that atheists aren't tasked with explaining the creation of the world as we know it.

    Oftentimes, atheism is referred to as a religion, as it is in this article, but in reality atheism is only the skepticism toward the idea of a god or gods. Hopefully this won't be removed by the moderators again :P but, my original message summed this up quite well, I think. I said something to the point of "Atheism is a religion just as much as not collecting stamps is a hobby, or not smoking is a habit."

    I don't want to drag this on too long :P but it is nice to be able to explain some things that are often misunderstood. Atheists do not reject God, or the idea of a god. Atheists do not even go as far as to say "there is absolutely no god", although some more extreme atheists might go that far. The thought process of an average atheist is like this: "I do not see substantial proof to believe in God(or gods), and so I have no reason to believe in one or more gods until this proof is supplied". In other words, atheists simply don't think there is a god. Many people seem to think that atheists outright ignore any possibility of a being higher than ourselves, but this is far from the truth. Atheists accept that there is always a possibility of a god, but that they do not see any reason to believe in one, if only for a lack of evidence.

    In summary, not believing there is a god is very different from believing there is not a god. Thanks! :D

  • dziwczyna


    I don't understand. How can an athiest reject evolution? How else could athiests explain the creation of the world?

  • ThinkForYourself

    If the moderators delete or remove my comment, then this website is truly biased about their feedback. I don't respect an organization that won't allow the opposition to simply state their side of the argument.

    Let me ask something... You say that atheism is dead because it lacks truth and logic. Truth because "God is not dead", and logic because atheism is based on unprovable evolution.

    Firstly, atheists do not assert that "God is dead". They also do not assert that He is alive. They assert that He never has and never will exist. The basis of atheism, skepticism for the existence of a god, is not a single quote from 19th century philosopher. Despite that, even if atheism were based on the idea that "God is dead", your argument, "God is not dead" has no evidence. I'm not saying he is dead, I'm just saying that asserting the opposite doesn't make the original statement false. A logic issue.

    Secondly, evolution is a fact. It is proven, observable science. Life forms evolve over time. To say anything against that would be ignorant. The Theory of evolution is that evolution happens through natural selection. The fact of evolution remains indisputable. Even so, if evolution were 100% false, why does that mean that God exists? They are independent. A Christian can believe in evolution, and an atheist can reject evolution. Atheism is not based on evolution. Also, the theory of evolution (again, the theory being that evolution occurs as a result of Darwinian theories) is backed by mountains of evidence, and while it has not been proven 100% yet, neither has the theory of gravity. I don't see you trying to jump off a cliff and fly. Just some interesting things to think about.

  • Akoli4christ

    Yes, you are right. Atheism like his brother Islam seek domination and both of them will soon vaporise on d soil of history as the truth of Christ reveal their deceptive acts. The will be forgotten completely when the Reigning King, Jesus Christ return

  • John-A-Mcguire

    Thank you...I have a close friend who will not budge on this subject "Atheism". Bit by bit I am quietly

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