Higher, Better...More, More, More

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Higher, Better...More, More, More

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I could see the mountains of Petra in the distance and I heard the sweetest sound—silence. But sitting near the top of that mountain in Wadi Musa, Jordan, I only wanted one more thing...to go higher.

Mountain in Jordan

Pulling myself over the rocks onto the next ledge, I found what I expected...an even more amazing, breathtaking view. As I hiked up the mountain my desire to go higher only seemed to increase. The higher I got, the more I wanted to keep going. I wanted to see what it felt like to be on the top, as high as I could possibly go.

But no matter how high I climbed, there was always a higher peak. No matter how long I kept going, there would always be somewhere higher to go. As a young man, I just wanted more—more height, a better view, a more intense thrill...more, more, more.

What people want

Isn't that what people want? More money, more toys, more love, more time...more anything.

Wanting more has been a human trait from the beginning. Adam and Eve wanted more than what God said they could have in the Garden of Eden. Solomon had hundreds of wives, but it wasn't enough. Our human nature leaves us with a constant hole, a longing for something better, something...more. But what are we really looking for?

  • Money? It buys all sorts of physical things that bring temporary happiness, but it leaves you still feeling incomplete.
  • Fame? Movie stars fall into addictions and bad relationships because they still don't feel content.
  • Love? Even people in happy marriages feel that there has to be something better, something more.
  • Time? People seek the fountain of youth so they can live forever, but who really wants to live forever if eternity is spent with this desire for more?

Finding more

Mankind has not been able to find the answer for thousands of years...well, at least not the majority of them. Some have, however, found the solution, a hope for something better. With this hope comes abundance, love and eternity filled with meaning and contentment.

This solution is not something people can find among themselves. God created the world and all that is in it for us to enjoy within His law, but He also created us with this desire for more: "He has put eternity in their hearts" (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Only one thing can fulfill that desire—a relationship with the Creator of the universe as a member of His family.

To learn more about that fascinating biblical book check out "Ecclesiastes: The Thinking Young Adult's Guide to Life."

The urge for more doesn't end as soon as you begin to build this relationship with God—it actually intensifies. You find yourself longing even more for something better. The difference is that you can now see the more in sight as He reveals to you the truth about His plan for you. He wants to give you more...blessings, love and eternal life.

The desire for more is not a negative experience if fulfilled in the right way. What God has in store for us in the future is more than we can ever dream of—it's even more than the more we long for.

Until this desire is fulfilled, don't give up! Press on toward something better. God will help bring you to new, breathtaking heights. Think vertically, reach high—never stop climbing! VT