The "Is It Worth It?" Media Filter Test
Ask yourself this:
• What does this media choice promote? Is it in line with God's way?
If yes, keep going.
• Is my conscience bothered by this media choice—do I think it might be wrong? (compare Acts 24:16; Romans 14:23).
If no, keep going.
• Would I be embarrassed to watch/listen to/read this if God were in the room with me? (Because, well—He is.)
If no, keep going.
• Does this media choice pass the Philippians 4:8 test?
If yes, keep going.
If you've made it all the way through this filter, then whatever media choice you are considering should be fine.
If you had to stop at any of the previous questions, then you need to ask yourself if that particular form of media is something you really want to have in your life—and take an honest look at why. We can't afford to give Satan a foothold in our lives, even in the area of seemingly harmless entertainment.