In Brief... Military Developments Around the World

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In Brief... Military Developments Around the World

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Under the leadership of a new prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, Japan may change its constitution, allowing it to create a standing army. It already has one of the world's largest and most modern armed forces, including one of the largest military-industrial complexes, but its current constitution forbids a standing army and the right to make war. So, will Japan rearm?

Increasingly, the answer appears to be yes.

Russia, thought to be far behind U.S. advancements in space and satellite technology, may have found a way to reenter the space race. On April 4, the Russian Aeronautics and Space Agency (RASA) signed an agreement with the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Co. that would enable Russia and the European Union to cooperate on space ventures. Their joint venture could seriously compete with the U.S. space program. Not that U.S. industry is left out, for Boeing is a partner with the RASA! "The American space program will be the long-term loser," projects Stratfor.

Source: Stratfor