In Brief... World News Review: Floating Killing Clinics

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Floating Killing Clinics

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The Dutch government is currently debating euthanasia legislation. If a patient is "in continuous, unbearable and incurable suffering," if he or she is "aware of medical alternatives" and has "demanded a second professional opinion," the patient meets the criteria for legal euthanasia under the pending legislation. The bill says, "The request to die must be made voluntarily, independently, persistently and only after careful consideration by a patient judged to be of sound mind."

The law is expected to pass the Dutch upper house.

Philip Nitschke, a doctor and euthanasia campaigner, is poised to take advantage of the law as soon as it is passed. He plans to establish a floating euthanasia clinic in international waters off the coast of Australia. By purchasing a Dutch-registered ship, he can establish a legal clinic that circumvents Australian law, which prohibits euthanasia.

Does that seem strange? Another equally strange and disturbing development is a movement headed by Dutch doctor Rebecca Gomperts. Dr. Gomperts is currently raising funds to establish a floating abortion clinic that would operate in international waters off the coasts of nations whose laws forbid abortion. Given the volatile opposition to abortion, extensive measures are being pursued to secure the ship against sinking by abortion opponents.

It makes one wonder what comes next-perhaps a floating cloning clinic that will circumvent EU and U.S. laws, which forbid cloning humans?

Source: Guardian Unlimited