In Brief... World News Review: Revisiting the American Image Abroad

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In Brief... World News Review

Revisiting the American Image Abroad

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Sometimes perception can be as important as reality. This is especially so in the way Americans regularly portray themselves to other nations. In this regard the entertainment industry has a major responsibility. Regrettably restraint and common sense have not generally prevailed.

Wrote noted film critic Michael Medved: "Unfortunately this obsessive Hollywood fascination with the dark side of human nature has played a major role in shaping America's ugly image in much of the world. In recent weeks it has become fashionable to ask, 'Why do so many people in other countries hate us?' Part of any honest response involves the movies, TV shows and popular music we export around the globe. It certainly didn't come as a complete surprise when anti-American rioters in Quetta, Pakistan, targeted five movie theaters showing U.S. imports."

Especially in developing nations, most foreigners will come no closer to visiting the United States than the onscreen images they see. Of course, Americans understand that film fantasies emphasizing excessive violence, illicit sex and various antisocial attitudes don't really represent everyday life for most citizens (although there has been parallel growth in the intensity of these evils in society a few steps behind the films). But those living abroad don't necessarily know this.

Clearly films like Hannibal (1 & 2), Desperado and Natural-Born Killers portray America, in Michael Medved's words, as "a cruel, godless, brutal and vulgar society." Yet, at least on the surface, the United States is the most religiously committed, church-going country in the West. However, many Hollywood movies consistently downplay or deny the best parts of American national life. Instead, decadence, deviance and dysfunction dominate many, if not most, American films aggressively marketed around the world.

In the wake of the tragic events of September 11, many instances of kindness, decency, patriotism and generosity emerged in many parts of America. Will Hollywood pick up this banner and begin to make many more decent movies?

Source: USA Today.