In Brief...World News Review: Hottest Month in History Since Records Began

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In Brief...World News Review

Hottest Month in History Since Records Began

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"This was the hottest July in the history of the world since modern records have been kept." These are the somber words of no less a personage than American Vice-President Al Gore. Clearly this record heat wave has impacted many parts of the world. In the United States, Dallas, with temperatures right at or in excess of 100 degrees Fahrenheit for some 20 or more consecutive days, was the center of a very unusual nation-wide heatwave, with many devastating spin-off effects.

In tiny Israel the southern portion experienced 118 degrees Fahrenheit. Italy's heatwave has brought forest fires and dangerous increases in smog levels. Even the Russian Arctic has been affected by the heat, although welcome in this case.

Some observers blame global warming for the unusually hot weather around the Northern Hemisphere. Among those are Vice-President Gore who stated: "The data from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration means world temperature records have been shattered every month since the beginning of the year. When you break the record seven months in a row it is really hard to ignore the fact that something is going on-and that something is global warming" (emphasis ours).

But some scientists are not so sure and have blown hot and cold on the threat of global warming, citing conflicting evidence from weather satellites. Whatever the truth of the matter, scorching heat from the sun will be one of the seven vials of punishment poured out on the earth in the future (Revelation 16:8-9). The Daily Mail, August 11 (quotes by Al Gore); The Times August 3 and 13; Daily Telegraph July 31; Newsweek August 3; Jewish Chronicle August 14.