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A Biblical Worldview
The Right Way to Read the Bible
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A Biblical Worldview: The Right Way to Read the Bible

In this Biblical Worldview episode, United Church of God president, Rick Shabi, talks about how celebrities are turning to the Bible for answers in these uncertain times. This episode explores why the Bible is a source of comfort, hope, and direction.
Learn two key points on how to read the Bible correctly—starting from Genesis and finding the right guide. As the world faces moral confusion and unrest, the Bible offers clarity about God's purpose, the future, and how to navigate life today. Join us to discover the truth of God's Word and how it can transform your life.
[Rick Shabi] Have you noticed how many celebrities are reading and talking about the Bible these days? And they're letting everyone know they are. People like Tucker Carlson, Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk, Tim Allen, and others. They're looking for answers. So are many college students today. They're reading the Bible, going to church, and looking for hope in Jesus. They're concerned about the world and the direction in which it's going and what the future holds for them. Fact is anyone who looks into the Bible and to God is looking in the right place. God and the Bible are the only places to look for comfort, hope, and direction in this life.
The Bible. The Bible reveals the purpose for this life, how this age will end, and what you can do to grab hold of the hope in Christ and be absolutely sure of your future. It's great to see so many turning to the Bible, but so many who are reading it are not reading it the right way. Today I'm going to give you two key points about reading the Bible in the right way. Let me warn you though. These points will be contrary to what many websites and churches may say, but they will help you read the Bible and come to truly understand the truth, purpose, and love of God. So stick with us if you're really interested in the Bible and what God has to say about this world. You won't hear this anywhere else.
It is no secret, if you're looking at what's going on around the world with eyes wide open, if you do that, you know that we are living in unparalleled times where it seems another spirit has invaded the world. When you hear about the woke agenda, the promotion of unnatural lifestyles, the vehement attacks on the nuclear family, and the praise of abortion even to a full-term pregnancy, you know something is amiss. We have entered a whole new age of depravity. And in addition to the outright hate that you see among people of differing political views, lies, lies permeate the media and political rhetoric around the world.
When you look at the rush to censor or trash anyone who disagrees with government opinion, like we've seen recently in England, and the attempts of some countries to try to shut down free speech, like we've seen in Brazil, you know we are living in a different age, led by a different spirit. That, my friends, is the spirit of Satan that is capturing our culture.
Did you know? Did you know that the Bible actually speaks of the time when Satan will be cast to Earth and the havoc he and his demons will bring? We may be living in that very time. So is the Bible, is the Bible a good place, the best place to look for answers, direction, and a picture of where this is all headed? The answer is a resounding yes. The answers to all the questions you have are in the Bible. It is the infallible Word of God, and we can prove it. And you, yourself, can prove the truth of the Bible when you take the time and make the investment of reading it the right way. It will literally change your life. It may save your life if you embrace it and live the truth you find. So let's get to those two points as you join the many who are now reading the Bible, looking for answers and hope.
Point number one. When you read the Bible, start at the beginning, not in the middle. Many sites or churches will tell you to start reading the Bible beginning with the Gospels and the New Testament. But consider this. You wouldn't read any other book by beginning in the middle, or you'd miss most of the story and not understand what's going on. It's the same with the Bible. The Bible, even though it contains many books, is really just one book, inspired by God and preserved for mankind. You can't possibly understand Jesus Christ or God's plan and direction for mankind if you don't read the Old Testament along with the New. The Old Testament is crucial to your understanding. So begin in Genesis, at the beginning of the Bible. Genesis literally means beginning.
Years ago, a minister from the Church of God, which preaches the truth of the Bible, says something I haven't forgotten. He said, "If you know the book of Genesis, you'll understand what's happening in the world today." He was right. It all begins there, in this history of mankind and God's purpose for him. To illustrate this point, let me give you a couple of scriptures from the New Testament that validate and show the importance of the Old Testament to our lives and understanding of what Christ and the apostles taught and lived.
First scripture we'll turn to is in 2 Timothy 3:16. It is a letter from the Apostle Paul to Timothy, a young minister. In 2 Timothy 3:16, he writes, "All scripture," all scripture... To Paul, that was the Old Testament, all that they had available at that time. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness." Truth, correction, and how to live the life God intended for mankind. That's where the life Jesus Christ lived came from. It's written in the book of Deuteronomy in the Old Testament. It's the same way of life lived by Noah and Abraham years before there was ancient Israel and the Jews.
Second scripture, 1 Corinthians 10:11. As we turn to that scripture and leading up to this verse, Paul cites several Old Testament examples of ancient Israel and says, "Let's not fall prey to the same temptations they did." Here's what he writes. He says, "All these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come." All these things are examples for us who live in the end time. You must know them to understand the times we live in.
And, finally, let's look at what Christ said about the time of the end and of His return to Earth as King of kings and Lord of lords. His verses in Matthew 24:38-39. There He says, "In the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they didn't know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be." You can't know what it was like in the days of Noah if you discount the Old Testament. You can read the account of Noah and what life was like at that time in Genesis 6.
So the first point is, when you read the Bible, begin at the beginning, not the middle. Point number two, you need a guide and teacher, someone who knows the truth to help you understand the Bible. The Bible itself gives us this principle. Notice this passage in Acts 8, again, in the New Testament, which you've probably read, but did you get what you're being told there? Gentiles at this time were beginning to be called into the truth. Philip, a deacon of the true church Jesus Christ started, encountered an Ethiopian who was reading the Bible, like you, but he couldn't understand what he was reading.
Let's read about that account in Acts 8:28-35. There it says, "And sitting in his chariot, the Ethiopian eunuch was reading Isaiah the prophet." Isaiah is a book in the Old Testament. "And the Spirit of God said to Philip, 'Go near and overtake this chariot.' So Philip," remember he's a deacon in the New Testament church, "he ran to him and heard him reading the prophet Isaiah and said, 'Do you understand what you're reading?' And he said, 'Well, how can I unless someone guides me?' And he asked Philip to come up and sit with him." Dropping down to verse 35, "Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning at this scripture, preached Jesus to him."
From the Old Testament, the fact is Jesus is all over the Old Testament and New, His life, His death. He is the Savior of mankind. And the Bible tells us that the plan for His life on Earth was established before the Earth was ever formed. Did you know that there are 300 prophecies of the coming of the Messiah that are written in the Old Testament and that Jesus Christ fulfills them all? So one of the reasons we know He's the Messiah, the Son of God, our Savior.
The Apostle Paul also talks of the need for a teacher, a guide through the Bible if you're going to understand it properly. As Romans 10:14 explains, "How shall they hear without a preacher?" Do you want faith that will see you through tough times? "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God," Paul writes. You need a teacher and a guide to understand the Bible. It's a biblical principle ignored by many. But you might say, "I have a pastor and a preacher and a church." But does he or she or your church really know the truth of the Bible? If your teacher, preacher, or church teaches Sunday observance, they do not know the truth of the Bible. If your church teaches Christmas or Easter as holy days of God, they are wrong. If your church says same-sex marriage is okay, don't look to them for correct teaching. They don't understand the Bible, and they are not following God.
If you're going to take the time to read the Bible, make sure you understand it and find the right guide and teacher. We want to help you understand the Bible, the Word of God, the will of God, and His love for all of mankind. The United Church of God preaches the truth of the Bible as it was written and inspired by God. We are not just another Christian church. We teach the truth and are set apart from other churches by that truth, just as Jesus said His church would be. We have many resources, including a Bible commentary on the Old Testament that will help guide you through those books. It will help you understand the Bible's application to today's world and your life.
You need to know the Bible. You need to feel the comfort of knowing that God is in charge. Mankind will bring this Earth to the brink of destruction, but Christ will return and usher in a new age of peace, harmony, and real joy. You can take that to the bank. It will happen, just as it says in the Bible. Take the time to get to know the real God and the truth that is in the Bible. You will never be the same. And don't delay any longer. Our resources are free of charge, and they're available to everyone around the world. Visit us today at