A Child's Perspective
A Child's Perspective
A class assignment from an 11-year-old brings a fresh look at obeying God.
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A class assignment from an 11-year-old brings a fresh look at obeying God.
[Steve Myers] I thought you'd be interested to hear what an 11-year-old wrote for a class assignment about keeping God's holy days. Here's what she wrote.
"My family doesn't celebrate holidays like most people do. People sometimes think that means we're not Christians, but we are. We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He died for us so we can have a chance to live forever. We read the same Bible as everyone else. But the Bible says we shouldn't take away or add to God's laws. And we're not supposed to reject God's commandments so we can keep man's traditions, even if they seem fun. So that's why my family doesn't celebrate Christmas. We do celebrate God's holy days from the Bible. These holy days were given to God's people in the Old Testament and were kept by Jesus and the Apostles in the New Testament." She writes, "I love God's holy days because they teach me to remember things that God has done for His people in the past and His plan for saving all mankind in the future. Let me tell you about the upcoming festivals that are in the Bible and what they mean to me." She writes, "The Feast of Trumpets pictures the day Christ returns to rule the earth and set up His kingdom. It will not be a secret when He comes because angels will blow trumpets so loud, the whole world will know. The Day of Atonement shows that when Christ returns, Satan will be put away for a while. And we'll finally be at one with God, without the devil causing trouble. On this day, God tells us to fast for 24 hours from sundown to sundown.
Fasting means we don't eat or drink anything, not even water. This teaches us that if we do not become at one with God, we have no hope and we'll die. The Feast of Tabernacles or Feast of Booths is where we learn what next is 1,000 years of peace in God's kingdom here on Earth. All people will be taught to obey God's laws and keep these feasts every year. The last great day we learned that when the 1,000 years is over, God will resurrect all the people that ever lived and died, but were not a part of His church. Billions of people will be brought back to life and put together as skin and bones, and given a chance to learn God's laws and His way of life. You see, everyone gets a chance to be in God's family and live forever as spirit beings, like God. This will be the greatest day ever because our friends and families will be together again and know God."
You see this 11-year-old writes some pretty dynamic things, and the truth of what the Bible teaches. And do you know the feasts of the Lord? Do you know God's holy days? They're found in Leviticus 23. I hope you'll take some time and check them out because you can understand the deep meaning behind God's festivals and holy days.
That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.