A Lesson from Iran's Revolution

A Lesson from Iran's Revolution

Forty years after the Iranian revolution, what can be learned from this historical event?
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Forty years after the Iranian revolution, what can be learned from this historical event?
[Darris McNeely] The world recently passed the 40th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution, in February of 1979, that toppled the Shah of Iran. What that did was usher in a newer generation of terrorism and change in the Middle East and for the entire world, and especially the relations between the United States and Iran that have important meaning and ramifications for us to this day. What really should be noted from the events of 40 years ago was how suddenly it all took place, when no one really predicted and understood that the Shah of Iran, with all of his power, and might, and money, could be overthrown by some unknown Ayatollah living in Paris and working his magic upon the masses of people in Iran who felt that they were oppressed by the Shah. But it happened. The President of the United States, all of the vaunted intelligence agencies of America and the rest of the world did not see it coming. And, as a result, just like that, overnight, the Shah was toppled, a new regime came in, and they've been there ever since.
There's a scripture that helps us to understand just how things like that can happen in the world. It's happened in the past, and it will happen again. It's in 1st Thessalonians, chapter 5, where the Apostle Paul, in one of his rare comments about prophecy, talked about the times and the seasons, and he talked about the Day of the Lord. And he said, "For when they say, 'Peace and safety!' then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a woman, and they shall not escape." And he said to us, "We should not be in darkness." When we are close to the Word of God, when we understand God's prophetic plan, then that can help us appreciate the fact that, no matter what is happening in the state of the world at any one time, we should not put trust that it's always going to remain the same. It can change overnight.
An understanding of Bible prophecy and what does lie ahead is very important, and realize that things that look one way one day can change the next. The lesson of the Iranian Revolution should teach us that, verified out of the Word of God.
That's BT Daily. Join us next time.