A Special Night
A Special Night
The Exodus story contains an instruction to keep a special night called the "Night to Be Much Observed."
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The Exodus story contains an instruction to keep a special night called the "Night to Be Much Observed."
[Steve Myers] Most are familiar with the story of the ancient Israelites coming out of Egypt. Pharaoh finally lets the people go after the Passover when so many of the first born died that weren't protected by the blood. Something interesting happens the very next night and it's recorded for us in Exodus 12:42. And what it tells us is that it says that this night is a night of solemn observance to the Lord for bringing them out of the land of Egypt. It's a night of the Lord a solemn observance for ll of the children of Israel throughout their generations.
Now what's interesting about this passage in English it says a night of solemn observance but literally, it means a night of vigil, a night of watching. And as they were coming out of Egypt this is the first day of unleavened bread. This is the time that they're leaving symbolically sin, the sin of Egypt, that representation of what his world is like even today. They are leaving that behind as God is vigilantly watching over them. Now, not only that they are to be vigilant, they're not to go back to Egypt, they're not to bring sin out with them. And so God's reminding them, in fact, He's reminding us today as well, we keep this night to be much observed, a night of solemn observance, a night of vigilance to keep sin out of our lives. So what a great reminder for us let's leave the Egypt of sin this world behind. Let's look to God as he's watching vigilantly over us and let us be vigilant to keep sin out of our lives.
That's BT Daily. We will see you next time.