A Spiritual "Deep Fake"
A Spiritual "Deep Fake"
The Bible shows the ultimate deep fake will appear in the end-times.
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The Bible shows the ultimate deep fake will appear in the end-times.
[Steve Myers] Deep fakes. Have you heard of that term before? You probably have and perhaps you've even experienced a deep fake and not even realized it. What it is individuals will take material, video, audio, and then they'll fabricate it, and they'll get people to look like they're saying or doing things that they really never did. So they manipulate the video and they edit it. But it's so well done, that you could hardly tell the difference between the real thing and a deep fake. And so they get it from video, and voice recorders, and body cams, and cell phones, and all kinds of different things, and they put it together to look real. It's happened to President Trump. It's happened to ex-President Obama. And so, they get them to say things that aren't real and yet, boy, does it look real, sounds real, seems real.
Now the reason I bring this up is there's coming a time that the same thing is going to happen to the truth, to religion, to the truth of God. There's coming a time that there will be a deep fake when it comes to the truth. In 2 Thessalonians, it speaks to this concept. In chapter 2:9, this is what the New Living Translation says. It talks about a man who will come and do the work of Satan. But it says, with counterfeit power, and signs, and miracles. Talk about a deep fake. It's gonna look good. It's gonna look right. It's gonna look like it's the real deal, but in fact, it's a counterfeit.
Now when it comes to deep fakes and those videos that people produce, it really takes an expert to be able to tell if it is a deep fake or not. Same thing is sort of true when it comes to the truth of God.
You need to be an expert in the truth. You've gotta understand the truth. You need to know what your Bible is all about. In fact, John 17:17, Christ Himself said, "Sanctify them by your truth." Your word is truth, the Word of God is truth.
So it's such a good reminder, if we're going to recognize the difference between the fake, the counterfeit, and the truth of God, we've got to know the truth. So let's make every effort to do that, to really understand, make every concept really live in our life so that we know the difference between the truth and a counterfeit.
So know the truth, understand the truth, most importantly, live the truth. And if you do that, you can certainly overcome a spiritual deep fake.
That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.