A Time of Big Events

A Time of Big Events

What's behind the breakdown of law and order in many cities across the United States?
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What's behind the breakdown of law and order in many cities across the United States?
[Darris McNeely] We're living in a time of large events. Right now we're seeing the foundations being laid for the Bible's biggest prophetic moments. Let's look at one. It's a breakdown in law and order. In recent months in America, we have seen large cracks open in our society. Protests over racial issues have led to riots against the basic order of several cities in the land, such as Minneapolis, Seattle, Chicago, New York, and Portland. As I speak, more than two months of siege has nearly destroyed sections of downtown Portland, Oregon. Organized assaults against police, federal authorities, property, and people have exposed groups of anarchists whose stated goals are to overthrow the existing power structures.
Well, not every city has experienced such scenes. It's the exposure of larger pockets of support and agreement with rioters that tells us there are deeper problems in America. American cities have had riots and protests before. These matters come and go. But this time, something is different, something bigger is going on. And the affected cities, mayors, and other elected officials have openly supported and allowed riots to continue and have withheld police action to stop and arrest people who have destroyed property and openly attacked police and citizens. They have resisted calls from federal law officials to end the unrest and they've openly defied federal authority.
More alarming has been the approach of elected lawmakers in Washington state who have openly denied these problems and worked to resist support for government to intervene and restore order. This, while people have been injured and died. It's created a chilling moment. And another difference. Media outlets have been complicit in covering up the root cause. In some cases, they have shown open support, information, and reporting. An important part of a modern interconnected world has been withheld, distorted, or frankly just lied about leaving the public misinformed. This is a vital part of a functioning modern nation.
I've lived long enough to have seen the riots and the unrest of 50 and more years ago in America. I've had younger staff here at "Beyond Today" ask me to compare the two. And I say, "Well, today's a lot worse." Why? Because the centers of power have directly supported civil unrest and worked against efforts to maintain law and order. It reminds me of what we read in the book of Isaiah, the first chapter as the Prophet lays out the sins of ancient Israel, and there's an application for America and other nations today. Beginning in verse 4, "Alas, sinful nation, a people laden with inequity, a brood of evildoers, children who are corrupters. They have forsaken the Lord. They have provoked to anger the Holy One of Israel, and they have turned away backward. "Why should you be stricken again?" God asks. "You will revolt more and more, the whole head," He says, "is sick, and the whole heart faints."
And I think right there is a description of our modern world. The whole head is sick and the whole heart faints. "From the soul of the foot, even to the head," Isaiah writes, "there is no sound to Senate, but wounds and bruises, putrifying sores. They have not been closed or bound up or sued with ointment." It's a powerful prophecy. And it describes today.
The foundations of America and other nations are being undermined by today's events. New foundations of a different kind of world are being poured. It's not a time to wish for the good old days and the return to normal, whatever that was. It's a time to redeem the time. For the days are evil, to consider your life before God and what God is doing for you and in this world.
These events we see before us, pandemic, riots, nations like China emerging, are all challenging the existing order. We're at a time of world of people and we need to understand. We're living in big times, and it will require us to rise to the times in a spiritual way. Because the handwriting is on the wall for our world and our times. It is time to gain biblical understanding, to put our noses into God's Word, and to seek Him while there is still daylight and time for a relationship with God.