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We are here in San Antonio for our second Beyond Today event -- America: The Time is Now. Gods message for each of us compels us to discern and understand our times.
[Gary Petty] We’re in San Antonio, Texas, where we’re doing the latest edition of the public appearance campaign. And what we do here is, all three of the Beyond Today presenters take a portion of the program and discuss the topic. Our topic here that we’re covering here is – Darris McNeely talks about the problems in the world that we all face, the problems in our lives, and how it can seem to be hopeless at times. And then Steve comes on, Steve Myers, and he talks about how there is a solution to this, and the realization that we were made in the image of God and that we have the potential to be His children in His family forever – that’s the hope, that’s what God wants us to realize. And then I come on at the end and talk about how this should motivate us – motivate us to respond to God, to literally become His children.
So we’re very excited, we’re glad to be here, and hopefully, we’ll be doing a public appearance campaign in your town soon.