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We live in an anxious world with plenty of worries and concerns. Only our strong relationship with God can anchor us and see us through our struggles.
[Steve Myers] We live in an anxious world. I don't know what your life is like lately, but mine's been a little crazy. We've had a lot going on in our families, lots of issues with health problems in our family that we've been dealing with. And, of course, we're trying to relocate. So we've had issues with trying to sell our house. And things have really been weighing on me lately and I can't help but think of that Proverb, Proverbs 12:25 that says, "anxiety in the heart of the man causes depression". And sometimes it can just bring you down. And life throws challenges at you that somehow we've got to get a godly perspective on things and that's a challenge, isn't it?
[Darris McNeely] It is. You know, our life, Steve, is frenetic and so fast paced. Problems and stresses come upon us from so many different sources. Health, jobs, matters that are beyond our control. And then we tend to put a lot of things on ourselves by the decisions that we make, wrong actions, mistakes that we take, that add to the stress and the difficulties. Managing all of that is quite a challenge.
[Steve Myers] It is a challenge. And, I think, when we have to deal with life, where do we turn? I have to be reminded constantly that I've got to turn to God. I've got to look to him for the answers. I can't come up with them myself. I can't change some of these circumstances. So, what I can change is my perspective on things. And so I was reminded of Psalm 34:4 and that's that Psalm that says, you know, when I was in trouble, I looked to God. I looked to God and He heard me and He delivered me from my fears, that particular Psalm says. And so it doesn't mean that it changes all my circumstances, but it sure changes my perspective on things.
[Darris McNeely] Well, that reminds me of the scripture where Christ says, you know, cast your burdens upon Me, take my yoke, it is light (Matthew 11:29-30). When it comes down to a moment when there is a crisis, whether it's health, loss of a job, challenge of how to meet that next bill. But some of those matters, like health—your family, my family, we've had some of those challenges lately Steve—we come down to those moments in life that is really that relationship with God that is going to be the anchor that sees us through. And without that, we're cast adrift. With that, we have an anchor and a mooring that can help us deal with what's going to be inevitably in our path.
[Steve Myers] That's a great way to start the day. Be anchored in God. Look to Him. That's BT Daily. We'll see you tomorrow.