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MP4 Video - 1080p (111.69 MB)
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MP3 Audio (2.15 MB)

It can be easy to get caught up in the anxieties of life, but Jesus Christ wants us to rest in His promises and cast our cares on Him.


[Steve Myers] There's a passage in Mark that caught my attention the other day, that normally when you look at it, you wouldn't think it necessarily applies much today. But after thinking about it a little more, I think it really does. It's over in Mark 6. Mark 6, starting in verse 7. And this is when Christ is talking to the disciples and He's gonna send them out to preach and teach. And here's what He gives them for instructions. It says He called the 12 to Himself, and began to send them out two by two, and gave them power over unclean spirits. So oftentimes, we focus on that section of the passage, that Christ is sending them out to be examples, and preaching and teaching, and have the power of God. But then He also says this, He commanded them to take nothing for the journey, except a staff, no bag, no bread, no copper in their money belts, but to wear sandals, and not to put on two tunics. So you think about verse 7. And you look at that and it's like, "Wow, they weren't supposed to do much of anything in preparation."

And as I thought about that, in a sense, Christ is saying, "You guys, you need to live like me," where Christ wasn't dependent on physical things. Christ lived his life, in full dependence on the Father. And as I began to think about this, it leads right to that fact that God can and God will look after us.

I mean, right now we're living in interesting times, with so many challenges around us. And whether it's COVID-19, or whether it's an upcoming election, or whether it's just the uncertainty of whether my job will continue, the economy, will it be okay? What's going to happen? All of those things, I think, come back to this word that Christ gave His disciples, that we don't have to be overly anxious. We don't have to be overly worried because Christ can take care of us. When we put our reliance on God, we don't need a bag we don't need bread, we don't need money. We can just wear sandals. We don't need an extra coat. Because ultimately, our spiritual dependence is on God, and God promises to take care of us.

So we can take that to heart. Let's lean on that promise. Let's be reminded that we walk by faith, not by sight. And whatever it may look like around us, that's not reality. The reality is, I don't have to be overly anxious because I am always in God's care.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.