Can We Know There Is a God?
Can We Know There Is a God?
Is there a way you can prove God's existence?
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Is there a way you can prove God's existence?
[Darris McNeely] A Beyond Today viewer has written in to us asking, “Can we know there is a God?” They go on to say and to ask, “I don’t want to accept the Bible’s claim that God exists at face value. Is there any way I can prove God’s existence?” It’s a good question and yes, there is a way you can prove God’s existence. In fact, there are many ways by which we can prove the existence of God.
I have read a number of books through the years that talk, that have been written by eminent scientists who have a belief that there is a Creator behind the universe that they observe and study as part of their life’s work. Actually, there are some very good books that have been written, not only by scientists, but also by journalists and others who are interested in the topic that offer very compelling proof that there is a God, outside of the proof that the Bible itself offers, and certainly the direct statements that the Bible makes.
Lee Strobel, an investigative journalist, has written a number of books on spiritual topics. He has a book called The Case for a Creator – “a journalist investigates scientific evidence that points toward God”. A very good, readable book that can begin to help one understand evidence, scientific evidence that is out there. A bit more technical book is one that was written a number of years ago by a scientist named Michael Behe. His book, Darwin’s Black Box, Darwin’s Black Box, shows the biochemical challenges to the theory of evolution.
There are many other books that have been written by some very interesting scientists who believe there is a Creator behind the universe, and they offer that evidence for us. And yet, when you back away from that, you do realize that even for hardcore atheists, militant atheists, there will never be any convincing proof that God does exist.
Where does that leave you? Well, it is something that you do need to look into. You do need to continually understand and not be fearful and not let the attacks that are there in our world today take that faith from you. Ultimately, the proof that is available from a scientific basis, from a rational basis, based on reason, the evidence that is from the Bible, comes down to you and I must understand that belief in God does come down to coming to know that God and having a personal relationship with Him through prayer, through obedience, and through a walk with God that helps us to understand and know that God does exist because of a relationship that is based upon faith. And that’s one of the promises of the Bible that we can take and appreciate and understand.
In Jeremiah chapter 29 – part of the word of God, the living word of God – verses 13 to 14 says this – and this is the word of God through the prophet Jeremiah. “‘And you shall seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you,’ says the Lord.” (Jeremiah 29:13-14) That’s a promise, a guaranteed promise that you and I can take, that God says that if we seek Him with all of our heart – again, through prayer, heartfelt prayer, through obedience, coming to understand what the word of God tells us how to live and how to obey God – God tells us that He can be found, if we seek Him with our whole heart. All of our emotion, all of our being, as a way of life – He will be found. And that – when that happens, is the ultimate proof that you and I can take and bank our life on, guaranteed that there is a God who created the universe and who was involved in your life and can be involved in your life and in mine, and guiding us toward His kingdom. Seek to know that God, and seek Him with all of your heart, and take His word for what it is, the very truth of the living God.
That’s BT Daily. Join us next time.