Coronavirus and the Pale Horse

Coronavirus and the Pale Horse

As we watch the coronavirus outbreak, what does the Bible say about future pandemics?
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As we watch the coronavirus outbreak, what does the Bible say about future pandemics?
[Darris McNeely] We're still watching the news about the coronavirus that has come out of China and has impacted so much of our world in recent weeks. We've done a few Dailies on this and we wanted to do at least one more, as we recognize that it is not likely to turn into the great pandemic that scientists do fear and do watch and do know very well can happen and just a matter of time. But this one doesn't appear to be that way even though a lot has been disrupted. I was doing some reading. Did you know that there are over 160 million Chinese who have passports and travel the world? That has been impacted. Tourism industry severely impacted because of this. Major airlines have stopped for a period flying in and out of China. Apple Computer announced that their quarterly earnings were going to take a hit because their supply chains for iPhones and iPads have been disrupted because so much of that is manually factored in China. And one other item that I didn't realize, but really does get down to the impact all of us that love garlic, right? What we put into our Italian food? Well, garlic supplies are going up, the price of garlic because guess what? The majority of garlic in the world today, those little bulbs, they come out of China. And so we see that the size of China, the impact that it has in the world, and what happens when a tiny virus, a little bug like this gets out of control and what can happen.
The Book of Revelation talks about something even bigger happening when it comes to pestilence. The rider of the fourth horseman of the apocalypse in Revelation 6 talks about this, that fourth seal that is opened and John hears the voice out of heaven saying, "Come and see." And he saw a pale horse and it's really a kind of a greenish type horse, the color of death. And this is the ride of pestilence. It says, "He who sat on it is death and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth to kill with sword, hunger and death, and by the beasts of the earth."
This rider, the fourth horseman, pandemic, something that again scientists know is going to come. It's not a matter of if something like that will happen but it is only a matter of when. This one doesn't appear to be that and we're grateful for that. We learned the lessons, we hope that other scientists and nations will learn the lessons as well and get to whatever possibly created this or caused this to happen. All of us can take the precautions that we need, and to protect ourselves and while at the same time understanding that it is a very, very severe and serious problem impacting our world and the Bible prophecy does tell us something about that.
That's BT Daily. Join us next time.