Crossing the Rubicon
Crossing the Rubicon
Culturally our society has started "crossing the Rubicon." As Christians we must separate ourselves before the point of no return.
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Culturally our society has started "crossing the Rubicon." As Christians we must separate ourselves before the point of no return.
[Steve Myers] By law, no Roman general could lead his troops into Rome. 49 AD, Julius Caesar led his 13th Legion across the Rubicon River into Italy. Now, there was no going back. There was no turning around and it generated civil war for years until he finally became absolute ruler.
That idea of crossing the Rubicon is reaching the point of no return. There is no going back. It's become known for that very thought, point of no return.
And when you think about it, have we as a society crossed the Rubicon? Have we reached the point of no return? When you look at the values of the culture around us, there is a war that's going on and it is a war that is tearing us apart. And it's more than just political. It is relentless. It's all around us. And whether it's on the radio, when we listen to music or whether it's the news or whether it's any aspect of what we watch or listen, it is something that is bombarding us everywhere with values most oftentimes that are not godly.
Have we reached the point of no return? I mean, there's been a dramatic realignment of what is important to our society today, and we're caught in the middle as God's people.
I can't help but think of a passage that's back in the book of Lamentations. I don't often turn to the book of Lamentations, but in Lamentations 2:14, we find a warning to ancient Judah. They had ignored God and they had done it for so long. In this book of Lamentation, it really points to the fact that they had reached the point of no return. And, of course, there's connections for us today. And in 2:14, it says, "Your profits have seen you false and deceptive visions. They've not uncovered your iniquity to bring you back your captives, but have envisioned for you false prophecies and delusions."
Yeah, our society talks a lot about how great this wonderful new perspective is, new values, new ways of doing things, but those are false prophecies. And what's happened to our world is we have reached the point of no return. And so, we as God's people have to make sure we separate ourselves. We can't fall captive to this world's values. And what's happened to Judah is just a type of what's prophesied to happen as we draw nearer to the time of the return of Christ.
So, it's a reminder. It's not too late for us. We don't have to cross the river. It's not the point of no return for us. Just make sure we don't ourselves to be caught into the values and the ways of thinking of this world. Don't get distracted. Don't allow that to happen. So, guard your heart, be on guard, and don't fall captive to those troops that have crossed the Rubicon.
That's "BT Daily," we'll see you next time.