Get Out!
Get Out!
God has given us a magnificent creation; we need to get out and appreciate it.
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God has given us a magnificent creation; we need to get out and appreciate it.
[Steve Myers] Here's two words that could change your day. Get out. But it's not like get out of here, not that kind of get out. But get outside, get outside and appreciate God's creation. It can really change your day, just take a moment, step outside for a minute. Sometimes we feel like we've got cabin fever after coming through the last 14 months or so. But now's a great time, just to get outside. You may be inspired because you'll hear the birds or maybe here in Cincinnati, you could hear the cicadas. They're out after 17 years and they're buzzing everywhere it seems. You can appreciate God's creation and you can pay special attention to the beauty and the wonder. You may see a cloud formation that can just really appreciate the fact that God has given us this wonderful creation.
In fact, we're told in His Word that we need to do that and it can change our perspective. There's a passage in the book of Job that speaks to that very point. Job 12:17, it says this. "Now ask the beasts, they'll teach you and the birds of the air, they'll tell you or speak to the Earth, and it will teach you and the fish of the sea will explain to you who among all these things do not know that the hand of the Lord has done this, in whose hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind."
We can really appreciate God's creation. And what does it do more importantly? It helps us to appreciate God. So, get out.
That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.