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Managing Editor Scott Ashley discusses articles in the latest issue of the Good News magazine.
[Darris McNeely] The March/April issue of the Good News magazine is now in the mail, as you should have received yours by now. And we have the managing editor of the magazine, Scott Ashley, with us this morning in the studio to talk about some of the articles that are in the issue, which really has a number of fascinating articles, very informative articles, especially as they focus upon God, creation and God, science and the Bible.
[Scott Ashley] Yes, Darris, that's right. One of the things that people don't hear a lot about today is how much science is discovering about our creation and how truly magnificent our world is. It's one of the great unreported stories of these days as to how the Earth, our atmosphere, DNA discoveries, discoveries about the universe are teaching us a lot about how there absolutely has to be a Creator behind all of this, an Intelligence, because all of this is just too fine tuned to have possibly happened by chance as evolutionists would have us to believe there. Really remarkable discoveries—and I hope our readers will be sure to take a look at this issue—a lot of good material in here. Do science and the Bible conflict? A lot of people think they do, but when you look at the facts and really understand what the Bible is saying and get into science and not into speculation, you realize there really isn't any conflict between science and the Bible.
[Darris McNeely] You also have some articles on other subjects. There's an anniversary coming up, I believe, as well that you cover.
[Scott Ashley] True—one that's been in the news, or will be in the news a great deal in coming months. April 15th is the 100th Anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, one of the greatest disasters in modern human history. But what are the lessons we should learn from that? Are we, in a sense in society today, like the passengers on the Titanic, steaming full speed into the darkness, not being aware of the dangers all around us there? A lot of important lessons we need to learn from that.
[Darris McNeely] Now remember that we have combined the World News and Prophecy publication into the Good News magazine. It is now an expanded publication with a great deal more content dealing with in this issue God, science and the Bible, prophecy, world news, as well as some sound, biblical teaching. So be sure and pick it up and read from cover to cover all of this issue. It's going to make a difference with you. It's going to really be helpful and informative. That's BT Daily. Join us next time.