

Hasty decisions made without counsel and wisdom can have long-lasting consequences.
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Hasty decisions made without counsel and wisdom can have long-lasting consequences.
[Darris McNeely] I've spent much of my life as a minister, counseling people in all different situations of life, helping people to prepare for marriage, helping people chart their way through what might be a difficult relationship, and even dealing with the aftermath of divorce and broken relationships. I've taught people from the Bible sought to teach them the principles of God's Word.
One very important principle that I have learned as I have worked with people, especially, and ongoing, even still with students today is a principle really boiled down to something like this that hasty decisions result in problems.
There's a Proverb 19:2 that says, "It is not good for a soul to be without knowledge, and he who he sins, who hastens with his feet, he sins who hastens with his feet." Another way of saying hasty choices, quick choices, often lead to sin. Choices made quickly, we have regrets. And sometimes those regrets and those situations go on for years and have lasting impact.
I still deal with individuals who have made quick decisions without wisdom, without proper counsel, without proper preparation, and it's the wrong decision. And they are living with the consequences or trying to extract or get themselves out of those decisions.
Take your time. Get wise counsel. Get yourself prepared before you make decisions, especially the big-ticket decisions of life, your career, and especially the person that you will marry. Don't get into it hastily. Take your time. Get to know yourself. Get to know the other person. Do that, and you will more times than not make a better decision that has good consequences, rather than sin, the result of what these problems is talking about.
That's BT Daily. Join us next time.