Is God Partisan?

Is God Partisan?

Partisan politics seems to be at the center of American society. What does God say?
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Partisan politics seems to be at the center of American society. What does God say?
[Steve Myers] Here's the word of the day. It's "partisan." Partisan. There's so much going on in politics right now, this word is generally associated with politics. And there's all the challenges of whose side are you on? Are you a partisan politician? And if you were to look up that word, it really tends to point to that direction of being biased or being prejudiced. Despite of what may be the reality of a situation, you're biased because you're partisan.
Maybe you've got notifications on your phone for some of the events that have been going on in the news lately, or maybe you've watched your news feed about the things that they're wrangling over lately. Well, as you see those news notifications, maybe what you can think of is God, because God is not like this. And when you consider this, you could see the unbelievable contrast between the perspective of people and God's perspective. Deuteronomy 30 brings this out.
In Deuteronomy, not chapter 30, we'll go to chapter 10 instead. But 10:17, Deuteronomy 10:17 says this, "The Lord your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome." Then it says, "He shows no partiality, nor takes a bribe." In fact, on the other hand, it goes on, "He administers justice." That's the kind of God we have. So when you see all these things happening in the news, politics, politicians wrangling over this and that or impeachment or this, "What we're going to do here, what we're..." God isn't biased. God loves us. He cares for us. He loves each of us and favors us.
In fact, wants all of us to be a part of His family forever. That's what God's goal is. And so let's take that to heart and remember we've got a great, awesome, mighty God on our side.
That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.