Is the End Near?

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Is the End Near?

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Is the End Near?

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Blood moons and the Shemitah. What should you really know?


[Darris McNeely] We deal with a lot of prophecy on Beyond Today. In fact, prophecy’s normally one of our more popular topics that we talk about. And it is an important subject from the Bible, and also to understand where we are in our own world today.

Someone recently sent me an article that was talking about the question of whether the end is near. It was a compilation of quotes and comments from a number of evangelical ministries who talk about the time of the end, the decline of morals in the United States and the western world, the scene in Europe and the Middle East and the chaos of all the upheavals that are taking place on the political levels, the cultural levels, the economic levels of the world, and indeed there is a great deal that is coming, it seems, together right at this point, almost to create a tipping point, to create a moment of decision in regard to world events and particularly America and its role in the world. We are very concerned about that here on Beyond Today – in fact, we’re going to be having some public appearance campaigns in Texas in a few weeks to highlight that very fact of the danger to America and where and how we can react upon that.

As I was looking through a number of these different scenarios, there’s the usual suspects of ideas that are quite popular today – the idea of the blood moons that have been popularized, and that’s coming up upon us in a few days in terms of just the four blood moons aligning upon the Holy Days of God; the idea of the shemitah, the year of Jubilee and the release that the Bible talks about – various ministries have made a lot of discussion and certain predictions about these. Probably the one common idea that we would all agree on is that indeed we are witnessing a defining moment in the world and particularly in America at this time. What does it mean for you?

We don’t get into predictions on Beyond Today. We do however go to the very root of the source of our problems in the world and in the spiritual lives of all of us that we must consider. And at the end of the day it comes down to a relationship with God where we put Him first. And when that has disappeared, when it evaporates, as it has, largely on the world scene today there indeed is a spiritual drunkenness that leads people astray. Leaders lead their own people astray and into decisions and into paths that are unmarked, uncharted, dangerous, and for which an invitation of judgment is invited. What does it mean for you? It means indeed that you should watch and you should understand the world and the conditions that we live in, but most of all that it should move you to a change in your life, and to an understanding of what God’s purpose and plan is in your life. That’s what we’re going to be talking about in the personal appearance campaigns that we will be kicking off in Texas, in cities in Texas, and we’ve been talking about on our website and in our magazines and on Beyond Today here for some time.

I invite you to stay tuned and listen very carefully to what we have to say in regard to the times in which we live and the message that God has for us that will make a difference in your life, but will also help you to understand all the different voices that are out there talking about prophecy and help you understand the real answer to this question about indeed whether the end is near, but most importantly, what the end really means and how it should motivate us and you to a godly life.

That’s BT Daily. Join us next time.


  • greg1954
    I fear the day the United States, will remove IN GOD WE TRUST from our currency.
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