Keys to Understanding the Bible
Part 3: God Knows Best

Keys to Understanding the Bible: Part 3: God Knows Best

Learn the third key that can unlock the truths of the Bible for you.
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Learn the third key that can unlock the truths of the Bible for you.
[Steve Myers] We're continuing our series on Keys to Understanding the Bible. One thing that we have to recognize, as we come before God, is the fact that we don't know best even for our own lives. Of course, that seems contrary to the good, old American way. That is, "I know what's best, I have a right to decide, and I'm gonna do what I want to do." But that is not best for our lives. God is our Creator. He's our Maker. He knows us. He knows everything about us. So as we come to the Bible to understand what God wants for us, we have to approach the Bible to seek instruction, to seek guidance, to seek correction, and most importantly, we have to do it with humility.
And that's point number three. We have to come to the word of God, and seek instruction and correction in a humble attitude because God knows what's best. He understands everything about us. And so, our attitude is so critical when we come to the word of God.
In fact, there's one passage in Jeremiah 10:23 that really gets to the heart of the matter. Here's what it says, "Oh, Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself. It's not in man who walks to direct his own steps." You see, we have to recognize that very fact that I have to be ready to understand God's mind, His direction, to be willing and humble. When I see something in the word of God that doesn't match up with my thinking, well, who's right? Is God right or am I right? You see, I have to have the frame of mind of a humble attitude and be teachable and let the word of God direct me and lead me. And when you do that, you'll certainly have an inside edge on understanding the Bible.
That's "BT Daily." We'll see you next time.