Keys to Understanding the Bible
Part 4: Both Testaments

Keys to Understanding the Bible: Part 4: Both Testaments

The fourth key has to do with the Source and inspiration behind the Bible.
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The fourth key has to do with the Source and inspiration behind the Bible.
[Steve Myers] An important key to understanding the Bible is recognizing the entire word of God. All the Bible, the Old Testament, and the New Testament, are inspired by God. And that's important. We have to accept the fact of the inspiration of the Bible. That's an important place to start because the entire Bible, not just the New Testament, now there are some churches out there that only accept the New Testament, but the Old Testament is the Word of God. And without old and new, we would miss so much of God's inspiration and guidance and direction for our life.
So to recognize that very fact, both Old Testament and New Testament are critical as we strive to understand the mind of God. It is the inspired Word of God, it is His thinking. And so when we recognize God's mind, and the fact that He's inspiring these words that we're reading, He directed it. He understands what we need most and this Word has everything that we need for a successful life. In fact, as we read the Bible, make sure you do it in that sense, that we're recognizing God is speaking directly to me through the Old and New Testaments. That a powerful thought? God speaking directly to me as I read His Word.
There's a passage in 2 Timothy 3:16, and it is a reminder of that very fact. It says, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God." Every word here in this Bible, by the inspiration of God. God breathed this word, He spoke this word, He inspired this word. And it says, "It's profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and instruction in righteousness." That the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. Key to understanding the Bible, recognize the inspiration of both the Old Testament and the New Testament. And ultimately, it will be very profitable for you.
That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.