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Building on the successful America: The Time is Now campaigns we begin a four-part Bible study series digging deeper into personal renewal.
[Darris McNeely] The Beyond Today crew has just returned from a very successful campaign in Texas. We went to three cities – Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston – with a message – “America: The Time is Now”. Hundreds came out to listen to this message. It was a very successful event for us as we engaged with our Beyond Today viewers and readers. And now, for those of you that were not able to attend, or for those of you that are certainly watching what we are doing from the sidelines and wishing that you could attend one of these events or to understand more about what we are talking about, we’re beginning a series of Bible studies beginning this Wednesday night, where Gary Petty, Steve Myers, and myself will be going deeper into what it means to experience a renewal and a revival in your life, and to understand what God’s purpose and plan is for you.
Steve will be conducting a Bible Study this week on “All In”. I will be doing one later on prayer. Gary will be doing one on Bible study. And we’ll also give another presentation about what it means to be a living sacrifice. All will take us deeper into a study of this understanding of what God is doing now and how we can connect with God’s purpose in our lives. So watch us for our Beyond Today Bible Studies coming up very shortly.
That’s BT Daily. Join us next time.