Roe v Wade - Part 4
The Defining Debate
Roe v Wade - Part 4: The Defining Debate
Language is conditioning us to accept things that are sinful as a normal part of life.
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Language is conditioning us to accept things that are sinful as a normal part of life.
[Darris McNeely] Language is very important in any discussion in any debate because it defines the terms and it defines an understanding of what is taking place. It actually conditions us. And as I've read a lot of the media coverage on this topic about the Supreme Court decision, their view is very persistent and consistent, and it's very direct in using terms about abortion as healthcare or reproductive rights. I even read one particular story that was talking about a citizen's right to healthcare or a person's right to abortion, defining it down to where it's just a person and not just a woman because you see it's just a woman who can become pregnant.
And yet the language is tilted to meet the standards of a different view about gender that is a part of a larger sexual revolution that is taking place in America. But many companies are providing now as part of their healthcare benefit package, the funds for an employee that may be pregnant living in a state where abortion is forbidden to travel to another state where abortion is permitted. And it's now a part of their healthcare package that can pay for that. But the language that is being used to describe this is what I'm really talking about here.
Proctor & Gamble, Target, Chase Bank are among the many, many huge American corporations that are a part of this saying that they will cover the travel expenses for employees who cannot access abortions where they live, and going through. Proctor & Gamble has made this statement that, "This is an important issue to many people and we recognize the broad range of views. As we have for many years, Proctor & Gamble supports our employees in having access to a wide range of healthcare options so they can determine what's best for them and their families."
Healthcare options, what's best for their families. Taking a life from the womb of a mother destroys families. How can it be even considered to be in the same sentence as something that is the best for a family, or just like another healthcare option? Like you might have a heart procedure or another operation dealing with cancer or some other type of illness, abortion is just lumped into this as part of a healthcare package.
You see how the language is conditioning us to think that's something that is a sin in God's eyes and morally wrong is just like another part of our healthcare and a part of life, and something that we should feel as a part of our liberty and even as it has in the past, at least been considered legally a constitutional right. And so it is something to think about. It reminds me of the Scripture in Ezekiel 44:23, where it speaks about the role of the priests in the temple and in the community of Israel, the religious teachers. And our ministry and our religious teachers today should be just as clear as God said His priests should have been and were to be in the Old Testament.
It says that "They shall teach my people the difference between the holy and the unholy." A priest was to teach the difference between what was holy and unholy. A minister has to do the same thing, a church has to do the same thing. And we've been very consistent in Beyond Today and how we have taught on this particular subject to help people discern, as it goes on to say, "Between the unclean and the clean."
Language is very important. As you read various reports and media outlets about abortion, keep in mind how they may be conditioning you through words and through language to redefine matters on abortion, transgender, sexual issues, and the whole package. It's very important. God's Word is not so ambiguous, it's pretty clear.
That's "BT Daily." Join us next time.