The Coming Cyber Attack

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The Coming Cyber Attack

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The Coming Cyber Attack

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How many warnings does it take to prepare for a cyber disaster? Are you prepared?



[Steve Myers] Is the internet facing the cyber equivalent of the World Trade Center catastrophe? That's what some people are feeling right now. There's an interesting article by Samantha Murphy that was posted on the internet that interviewed a US Intelligence Chief, one man who worked for President Clinton, he worked for George W. Bush, and also worked for Barack Obama. And he said something very interesting. Here's a quote from John McConnell. He said, "We have had our 9/11 warning. Are we going to wait for the cyber equivalent of the collapse of the World Trade Centers?" Then he went on to detail what a large scale cyber-attack would mean. He said, "When the power doesn't work, you can't get money, you can't get out of town, you can't get online, and banking, and the function to make the world work starts not to be reliable," he said this, "That is a cyber Pearl Harbor and it's achievable." And so the article goes on as he points out, are we ready for - what should we do about this? We know that it's possible, but are we going to do anything about it?

[Darris McNeely] This is just one of many articles that have been talked about for several years on the vulnerability that the United States being one large nation has with its power grid. We have an aging, antiquated power grid that is in desperate need of being upgraded. Hurricane Sandy, even on the East coast, New Jersey, New York recently demonstrated that as well. But if an enemy decided to attack and take out our power grid, which is entirely possible, then life as we know it would be radically transformed and the social fabric of our society, the veneer of our civilization even would very quickly be ripped away. And the need to be ready for it by upgrading our power grid is still there. Certainly when it comes to what we look at in our own lives spiritually, how we would cope with such a matter is also important because it gets to a teaching that Jesus Christ talked about.

[Steve Myers] Yeah, I think that's an important aspect of what we need to think about. Here, we're right at the anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor and you know, we had a feeling those things could happen. And yet it still came about. We didn't do enough to stop it. 9/11 had its warning, and yet, did we do enough to be sure it wouldn't come about? Christ warned about that, especially when you think about it spiritually speaking.

[Darris McNeely] Yeah, in Matthew chapter 24 especially in the section beginning in verse 36 where He talked about the days of Noah and drawing the parallels between the time of Noah and the time before the coming of the Son of Man. He said be ready. That's the conclusion He came to and not be caught up in the cares of life, but He said, "Be also ready for the Son of Man is coming at an hour that you do not expect" (Matthew 24:36). There's always ample warning in advance of any major event. God promises that certainly when it comes to the prophecies. It's interesting that we get these advanced warnings of some of the problems that we have in our own country and nation as a result and still adequate plans are not taken to prepare people in advance for it.

[Steve Myers] And so I think, on this anniversary of Pearl Harbor, we should take the spiritual lessons seriously, that as those physical things could take place, we better be prepared to stop them. And so we can do that spiritually speaking as Christ said and be prepared. Be close to God and you can be ready for any attack that might come.

[Darris McNeely] That's BT Daily. Join us next time.