The Daily Challenge

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The Daily Challenge

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The Daily Challenge

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MP3 Audio (1.36 MB)

God tells us that in everything we do, we should avoid this at all costs.


[Steve Myers] Here's the BT Daily Challenge. In fact, it's not just the BT Daily, it's a daily challenge for every single one of us, that God inspired the apostle Paul to write about. Here's what he said in Philippians 2:14, probably a familiar passage. Paul wrote this, "Do all things without complaining and disputing." Now, talk about a daily challenge. This is certainly one of them. Not once in a while should we try not complaining or disputing, but he says do everything that way. 

That's a challenge, especially if you dig in to the Greek words that are used here. When he says, "Do things without complaining," that word for complaining can mean murmuring or grumbling. Different translations will actually use those words, grumbling and complaining. Well, what is that about? I think that Greek word points to what's happening on the inside. Because, if you're grumbling about something, you usually aren't understood, you know, you're mumbling to yourself, and it's something that's going on on the inside. You're thinking about something that's really irritating you, and you're letting that circulate in your mind. So Paul points to that as well. 

But God also inspired him to write "Do all things without disputing." And that second word, it can mean complaining, but it points to arguing and bickering and fighting. Now if that's what you're doing, that's something exterior. That's something on the outside. So I think that's why this is really a powerful passage. Because, let's say you've got control of what's happening on the outside. Oh you look peaceful, you look nice, you seem to be getting along. But inside, you're murmuring and grumbling and complaining. That's not going to be helpful. That's not the right thing to do. That's not the spiritual thing. So here, God's pointing out we've got to take care of both. It's not just about what's the outside, the exterior, but also what's going on on the inside. 

So, the daily challenge that we have, it's inside out. It's both. Both inside and outside. So, let's do everything we can to begin to get a handle on our thinking, so that we don't have this nice exterior while other difficult things are going on inside. Let's put God in control of our life. And let's pray and ask him, "Help me not to murmur. Help me not to grumble. Help me not to complain. And certainly help me not to show any of those things on the outside, to really have the mind of Christ." That's the daily challenge.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.


  • Fred396
    Does this apply when I know I'm being treated unfairly at work
  • david from tx
    Hello Fred, if you're being mistreated at work, you can absolutely report it to management. The grumbling and complaining here is in reference to an attitude of the heart. While that attitude can certainly lead to physical acts of complaining, it's not referring to reporting harassment. Rather, it refers to what we might call "whining". Turn to God and ask Him how He wants you to proceed concerning your work situation. I pray that helps.
  • jerry biles
    hay do you guys' give a camera in my house? well you are speaking to my trials thak you jerry
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