The Proof of the Bible - Real People

The Proof of the Bible - Real People

Archaeology proves that dozens of people mentioned in the Bible really lived. Current article in Biblical Archaeology Review covers details.
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Archaeology proves that dozens of people mentioned in the Bible really lived. Current article in Biblical Archaeology Review covers details.
[Darris McNeely] So I'm looking at the latest edition of Biblical Archaeology Review and they have an article about real people – real, Bible people. I open it up, and an amazing article – "Archaeology Confirms 50 Real People in the Bible." The article goes on to show that the names of people in the Bible from King David, to King Solomon, to an Egyptian pharaoh, to an Assyrian or Babylonian king, to a person in the court of King Hezekiah, and even King Hezekiah himself from Judah, other kings of Israel and Judah mentioned in the Bible, have been verified by real-life archaeological finds through the years. And this article goes on to list them all, to show this amazing fact of how all of these people – many of these people in the Bible – artifacts have been dug up to show that they did exist.
It's an amazing article, and really it's an amazing truth that has been building year by year as archaeology confirms the proof of the Bible – actually confirms what Psalm 119:160 says, "Thy word is truth. The entirety of your word is truth." Psalm 119:160. Many other scriptures talk about the fact that the Bible itself is truth. Well, archaeology is going a long toward proving that this book, written over a period of sixteen hundred years, over forty generations of human experience, with forty authors from different walks of life – men who were fisherman, men who were tax collectors, men who were scholars, men who were kings – wrote, and put, and appended this book and put it together. This book was written from different places, was written, actually, from three different continents – Asia, Africa, and Europe. And it has stood the test of time.
Oh, it's been attacked. It has been ridiculed. It has been attacked by every generation, including those at the time that many of the books of the Bible were being written. You can see that from the internal evidence of the Bible, as well. And every year, in the United States and from other countries, we see another attempt to undermine the credibility of the Word of God. And yet, when you get right down to the actual hard facts of much of what is there, and the wealth of evidence and manuscripts that have been preserved, there are over twenty-four thousand manuscripts of just the New Testament alone that have been preserved that testify to the accuracy of the received word of that part of the Bible. We have more facts, we have more information from the ancient world about the Bible, than we have from just about any other work of history or philosophy that is usually accepted in the world today as fact and truth – from writers such as Plato, or Aristotle, or Homer, and others like that.
The Bible has stood the test of time. And you know something? The Bible will continue to stand the test of time. It is a book that you can rely on as a guide to your life, as a way to understand the eternal God – what life is all about on this planet, and to understand your purpose. Don't be persuaded – check it out. Science, archaeology, history, prophecy – there are multiple proofs to prove to us the truth of God's word and the truth of what it says itself – that the entirety of the word of God is truth. You can count on it.
That's BT Daily. Join us next time.