[Steve Myers] "You can't miss it," that's what I was told when I accidentally forgot my phone, and I stopped to ask a man for directions. He said, "You just go down, go over the railroad tracks, turn to the left, go past the big pond, turn to the right, go pass Yule farm, and there it is, you can't miss it. Well, I missed it. I was going down the road 15 or 20 miles, later, realizing I totally missed, had turned around, and finally took forever to get where I needed to go.
Do you ever feel that way? Do you ever feel like, "I can't miss it"? Sometimes in life, we think that. We think, "Well, obviously the choice will be evident, I won't miss it. There won't be any doubt which way I should go, it will be so obvious." And then we do miss it.
If we wanna be assured we don't miss it, especially when it comes to life, Proverbs 19:20, it says, "Listen to counsel, and receive instruction, that you may be wise in your latter days." But if you don't wanna miss it, go to God, seek His guidance, seek His direction, pray to Him. Get the wise counsel that you need, so that you get the right directions. And then, you can't miss it.