The State of Marriage

The State of Marriage

Who has the final word on divorce?
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Who has the final word on divorce?
[Darris McNeely] Recently we have done a couple of BT Dailies on the same-sex marriage decisions made by the United States Supreme Court. One of our regular Beyond Today viewers wrote us a note and made an interesting point that I wanted to comment on today.
He said, "I must say that the wide acceptance of divorce is contributing to the tipping point." I had referred to the same-sex marriage decisions as a tipping point in the state of marriage in the United States. Our viewer goes on to say, "For some marriages, divorce does seem best. I do know too well that divorce hurts kids the most." And his point is true. Divorce does hurt, and there are many instances of divorce adding to the present state of marriage.
Let's be honest: divorce is found among people of every religious or philosophical persuasion on the subject. People, gay people in their relationships, they divorce. Religious people, evangelical Christians, they have high rates of divorce as well. Atheists, others, anyone who enters into the state of marriage in that particular category of people there are going to be rates of divorce and oftentimes far too high rates of divorce, and that does too contribute to this tipping point when it comes to the state of marriage.
I've been thinking a lot about this, and when you go the Bible really God has the final word on this subject. In Malachi 2:16 it says this, "God hates divorce." Malachi 2:16, He hates divorce. That's the last word. It's the first word, and really it's the bottom line. Divorce does hurt. It hurts people, those who are involved in it. It hurts children. It hurts a society, extended family, friends. It hurts, and God says that He hates divorce. And so it is something to consider.
I would say this to all who are considering this entire topic of the state of marriage and where we find ourselves at this present time: if you're planning to enter into marriage, enter it prepared. Don't take it lightly. Seek competent counsel. If you're married, take care of that relationship. Tend it very, very carefully, and nurture the marriage that you do have. Don't take it for granted. Too often problems develop within marriages because of neglect. Tend that marriage. And if you're in a marriage that is troubled, depending upon the nature of the trouble, get some help. And if it's possible, try to salvage that relationship. Give it a second, a third, perhaps even a fourth, and again depending upon the nature of it, but do what you can.
God does hate divorce, and ultimately there is a tipping point that's going to be reached in its impact upon a society. But it is a very serious matter. Marriage is a divine institution. It is given by God for mankind. It is a very, very sacred and important matter.
That's BT Daily. Join us next time.