Turn to God During Trials
Turn to God During Trials
What lessons can we learn from the story of Christ calming the sea?
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What lessons can we learn from the story of Christ calming the sea?
[Steve Myers] Matthew and Mark record a story in the Gospels, that's an important one in how Jesus Christ helps us and guides us, especially in the storms of life. You're probably familiar with it. In Mark it says this, in verse 36 of chapter 4, it says, "Now, when they left the multitude, they took him along in the boat, as he was." Talking about Jesus, "And other little boats were also with him. A great wind storm arose, the waves beat into the boat, so that it was already filling. But he was in the stern asleep on a pillow. They awoke him, and said to him, 'Teacher, do you not care we are perishing?' Then he arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, 'Peace. Be still.' And the wind ceased, and there was great calm."
And, of course, it's an interesting story, one that we see the immediate lesson, that we can count on God. That he's going to be in our lives. And when we look to him, that he can take care of those storms and help us through those storms. Even though here the disciples looked like they were as good as dead, yet Christ stepped in, and he told those winds and the waves, "Peace. Be still." And so we can certainly take comfort in that. We can have faith in the fact that God is going to be with us, no matter what the wind and the waves do.
But, you know, I think there's another lesson here that maybe we overlook at times. What about us? Are we like the wind and the waves? You see, Christ gave directions to the wind and the waves. In a way you could say He commanded. He rebuked them, He commanded the wind and the waves, and what did they do? They obeyed. I wanna be like that. God has given us his Word, do we obey like the wind and the waves? Something to think about.
That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.