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Here are a few simple ways to show how the Old Testament is valid.



[Steve Myers] A question came in off the website from Michael. Michael asked the question, "I know the Bible is God's word, but can you help me prove that the Old Testament is valid?"

So I wrote the word valid up on the board today because that seems to be a major question for a lot of Christians today. Can I really count on the Old Testament? Because so many religions seem to put the Old Testament out of the way, that it's done away. I don't have to consider it. It's not really valuable. And yet there are a couple of really simple things to remind ourselves about to show that the Old Testament is very important.

Most people may not realize that the New Testament quotes the Old Testament many times over. Now how many times do you think the New Testament quotes the Old Testament? Well, believe it or not, 695 times. Now, it might vary just a little bit depending on your translation, but can you imagine that? Almost 700 times the Old Testament is quoted in the New Testament.

Now, if it wasn't valid, why would all of those quotes be there?

In fact, there's an amazing passage that the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy and that is in 2 Timothy and it's in verse—chapter 3 verses 15 and 16. Paul tells Timothy that the Old Testament, the Holy Scriptures could make him wise unto salvation. And that's not talking about the New Testament. He's talking about the Old Testament. The Old Testament could make you wise to salvation. And in fact in that next verse he says you can use it for reproof, for correction, for doctrine, and instruction in righteousness—not the New Testament, but he's pointing back to the Old Testament (2 Timothy 3:15-16).

So is it valid today? Absolutely.

If you added up all the times the New Testament refers to the Old Testament, I think you'd be astounded. And it's one other proof that the Old Testament is valid. We said it was quoted almost 700 times. You know how many times it's been referred to? Over 4,000 times there are references to the Old Testament in the New. And so imagine that. Does that mean that the Old Testament is valid today? Absolutely.

Now, there are so many ways that you can prove this. It will take a number of Beyond Today Dailies in order to talk about that. So, we'll have to save a few of those for next time.

So that's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.