Watch: Pray
Of course we must watch world events, but we cannot forget to pray and stay close to God.
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Of course we must watch world events, but we cannot forget to pray and stay close to God.
[Steve Myers] In a parallel passage to Mathew 24, we find in Luke chapter 13, Christ emphasizes another aspect of watching. He says in Mark 13:33...He says, "Take heed, watch, and pray."
It's interesting how many times when Christ is encouraging us, He puts these two things together, watch and pray. He says, "It's like the man going into a far country. He left his house, gave authority to his servants, and he commanded them to watch. He says, "Watch, therefore, you don't know when the master of the house is coming." And so, connected to that watching, being spiritually ready, watching world events, we should be praying. There's so much to pray about in regards to what's happening right now in the present time, and what is in store for the future.
There's another passage that encourages us to do this very thing. We find the Apostle Peter encouraging us in chapter 4, verse 7 of 1 Peter. He says, "The end of things is at hand." And it certainly seems like we're pushing that way. And he says, "Be serious and watchful in your prayers."
The solution to the times that we live in, stay close to God and pray.
That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.