What Happens After Death?

What Happens After Death?

There is hope for the future for all those who have died.
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There is hope for the future for all those who have died.
[Darris McNeely] My wife and I recently became orphans. What do I mean? Well, my wife's mother died. I had done a Beyond Today Daily about her care some time back that had aired here. But a few weeks ago, my mother-in-law of nearly 50 years died in a hospice care facility after a very long and productive and fruitful life. And so, my wife and I realized at that point with the last of our parents' death that we're orphans, which was kind of striking for us to soberly consider for a period of time as we thought for several weeks now and looking back over the life of my mother-in-law. It's an interesting phase of life that we have now entered into, but it's not an uncomfortable one because the reality is that God says that He is a God to the fatherless. I was reminded of the scripture in Psalm 68:5, where God says that He is a father to the fatherless as He sets in His Holy habitation.
And if that happens to be your lot in life, your state at this particular time, take heart by that verse and many others that explain that God does look after those who are fatherless, the orphans at any age that they might be. I think it helps to draw us to the reality that ultimately we have a relationship with God that cannot be broken. As we think about, my wife and I, the death of our mother, one other scripture that has been very thoughtful to us and encouraging is 1 Corinthians 15:26. We're in the midst of this beautiful chapter on the topic of the resurrection. Paul writes and makes a statement here that the last enemy to be destroyed is death. The last enemy. That's often the future for mankind, for all the human race. But the Book of Revelation shows that the earth will bring up all of its dead in a period of judgment and there will be periods where the dead will rise.
The dead in Christ. The dead, the small and great, who have never had an opportunity to know the true God. And all of that is a part of God's beautiful plan. And ultimately, scripture shows us as 1 Corinthians says here that the last enemy, the very enemy of man that we all fear and dread, impacts life, death will be rendered null and void. Ineffective. It'll be destroyed. That's encouraging. That is something that we all look forward to. And as we look at the scriptures and my wife and I think about this, and you probably do in your own life, let us be encouraged and comforted by the reality of what God's word shows us about the true meaning of our lives and what does happen at death. And if it's something that is still a question mark or a mystery for you as you deal with a loss in your own life, then look to the scriptures. Look to what we can offer to you on Beyond Today to help you understand life, death, the passing of a loved one, and how to cope with that and understand it based upon the real true hope of God's word and the ultimate hope of the resurrection.
That's BT Daily. Join us next time.