Where Are the 10 Commandments?

Where Are the 10 Commandments?

Here are some simple ways to help memorize where the list of the Ten Commandments can be found in the Old Testament of the Bible.
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Here are some simple ways to help memorize where the list of the Ten Commandments can be found in the Old Testament of the Bible.
[Steve Myers] Have you ever had a hard time remembering where a certain passage in the Bible is located? That can happen even with an important section such as the 10 Commandments. Where are the 10 Commandments, and maybe, how can I remember where to find them? Well, the 10 Commandments – one place where they’re located is in the book of Exodus. Now one way to remember where they are is to consider when God gave these 10 Commandments. We probably can remember that God gave the Commandments as Israel was coming out from Egypt. They were coming out of Egypt, so that should help us to recognize they were exiting Egypt. That can help us to at least get the book right. They’re leaving Egypt, they’re on the Exodus. That’s when God gives them the 10 Commandments, as they’re beginning their march through the wilderness to the Promised Land. So remember the Exodus.
Now, another way to remember it is – how many commandments are there, anyway? Well, there’s ten. These 10 Commandments were very important for ancient Israel. Today, for us, you might say they’re doubly important. They’re very important for us today, as well. So if you take the number 10 and you double it, what do you come up with? Exodus 20. Exodus chapter 20 is exactly where you’ll find one version of the 10 Commandments. As the children of Israel are exiting Egypt, Exodus 20 gives that list of the 10 Commandments.
Now, there’s one other area in the Old Testament that gives that list of 10 Commandments and it’s found in a different book. And there’s a little way that we can remember where this one is, as well. If we think of the 10 Commandments – remember this number 10? Okay, instead of doubling it for Exodus 20, let’s halve it for a minute. Let’s think of the fifth book of the Bible. If we have 5 and 5, that’s 10. The fifth book of the Bible is the book of Deuteronomy. And so that’s the fifth book, and if we need another 5 to add up to 10 – 5 plus 5, we have the 10 Commandments, right? Deuteronomy 5 is where we’ll find that second listing of the 10 Commandments in the Old Testament.
So where are they? Exodus 20, as the children of Israel exited Egypt. Commandments are doubly important for us today, so remember Exodus 20. Also 5 plus 5 equals 10. So remember the fifth book, the fifth chapter, is where you’ll find the summary of the 10 Commandments. I hope that’s helpful. Next, we’re going to take a look at where we can find these commandments in the New Testament. So thanks for joining me.
We’ll see you next time on BT Daily.