Why Israel Matters

Why Israel Matters

Christ said to discern the times. Doing so means we listen carefully to what men of vision might say.
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Christ said to discern the times. Doing so means we listen carefully to what men of vision might say.
[Darris McNeely] This morning I was reading a headline before coming to work, and it said that quite likely, quite possibly Iran may have a nuclear weapon ready within one month, 30 days. Now, it may or may not happen in that time frame, but it's likely going to happen at some point in the near future. All leaders that are watching this understand this.
I've been working on an article for the Good News magazine, "Why Israel Matters" and in the research about this and putting this together I've pulled together a number of scripture and a number of articles that we have discussed in programs even on Beyond Today on this particular subject. But I was struck by not only that headline this morning that I saw, but also a speech that was given last month before the United Nations by the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who himself as the leader of Israel is very much concerned about what Iran is doing there and what this means for the survival and the future of the state of Israel.
Prime Minister Netanyahu mentioned at the beginning of his speech that he said, "Today our hope," meaning the nation of Israel's hope, "Is challenged by a nuclear armed Iran that seeks our destruction." And his speech went on to describe exactly how vigilant and alert they are to the times in which they live and the neighborhood in which they live in. This all brought back to my mind a verse that Christ mentioned in chapter 12 of the book of Luke where He was talking to His audience of the day and He was reminding them of the ability to discern the times. In Luke 12:55 Jesus mentioned to the audience that was in front of Him, He says you can look at the sky and see the wind blowing in from the south and know that hot weather is coming or see the clouds in the sky and know that a storm is coming. But then He said to them, He said you look at this and He said, "Hypocrites," in verse 56, "You can discern the face of the sky and of the earth, but how is it you do not discern this time?" verse 56 (Luke 12:54-56) .
Discerning this time. Jesus was making that point to His audience at that time. And He was really pointing it forward to all of us at any time and especially our time to be able to discern the time by looking at the world and the conditions that are there.
Here's my point: When Prime Minister Netanyahu with the vision and the insight that he has into his time, his place in the world and that of his nations makes a warning and realizes they are on the brink of destruction because of the threats, the explicit threats to them by Iran and the nuclear danger that it portends. What is that telling us in regard to not just the state of Israel, but the state of the world at this time and the threat to the Middle East and what that could mean in regards to Bible prophecy and the events regarding the end time lead-up to the return of Jesus Christ?
If one man like that can discern the times and sound a very clear warning, how much more should we understand what Jesus admonished us to understand here in Luke chapter 12 to discern our times and to listen to the warning voices that are there, and be moved to do something in terms of our own life and our relationship with God in terms of righteousness, in terms of a clarity of who God is and what our role is and what He expects of us because of the seriousness of the times in which we live. Bible prophecy is very real.
The times we live in are quite imminent and quite dire. And a warning from such a leader as that, who discerns the time for his own people I think is a lesson for us to look at exactly what Jesus has to say here in Luke 12 and in other locations. To discern our time and to be moved to Godly conduct and Godly righteousness and ultimately to the repentance that is required in the Kingdom of God.
That's BT Daily. Join us next time.