Current Events & Trends: A weaker but bolder Russia

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A weaker but bolder Russia

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Current Events & Trends: A weaker but bolder Russia

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“The quarter-century-old [flagship aircraft carrier] Kuznetsov lacks the kind of powerful catapult system that is featured on U.S. carriers, forcing Russian planes to carry lighter payloads and less fuel, according to North Atlantic Treaty Organization officials. And a dearth of highly trained aviators able to take off and land at sea has forced the ship to carry fewer pilots, according to Western officials. Moscow already lost one jet fighter when it crashed this month during a training flight on an approach to the carrier” (Nathan Hodge and Julian Barnes, “Russian Campaign in Syria Exposes Moscow’s Defense Gaps,” Nov. 28, 2016).

The world feels ever-more fragile as powers are starting to shift and move. It’s clear that other nations are ready to move into the world power seat that has been America’s for about a century. Russia being not so mighty as it once was may be comforting to some, but it could mean Russia has less to lose in making a bold move.

Whatever happens with Russia’s involvement in Syria, the world is on the cusp of a turning point. God foretells a time of trouble coming to the world like we have never seen. A marked increase in wars and rumors of wars is a prelude to a time so severe that unless those days are cut short “no flesh would be saved [alive]; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened” (Matthew 24:6-8, 22).

Thankfully God will be merciful and send His Son Jesus Christ back to establish world peace at long last. No longer will headlines scare us, and peace will then rule in all nations. (Source: The Wall Street Journal.)

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