Current Events & Trends
North Korea close to deliverable nuclear weapons?

Current Events & Trends: North Korea close to deliverable nuclear weapons?

In March 2016, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un boasted about the advances in his nation’s nuclear program, saying, “Now is the time for us to convert our mode of military counteraction toward the enemies into a pre-emptive attack one in every aspect” (quoted by Jack Kim, “N. Korea Leader Tells Military to Be Ready to Use Nuclear Weapons,” Reuters, March 7, 2016).
North Korea wants to be on the offensive rather than the defensive, and it believes its nuclear progress will position itself closer to its goals.
The East Asian nation has been working on its nuclear program for some time. Top analysts still believe that the country is a good way off from creating a weapon that will have considerable reach. The United Nations has ordered heavy sanctions against North Korea to stall its progress in producing weaponry, but UN watchdogs haven’t seen a slowdown in development.
“Johns Hopkins University’s 38 North project, which monitors North Korea, said recent commercial satellite imagery showed new activity in the isolated country, including a convoy of trucks at its satellite launch station that could be preparations for a rocket-engine test” (ibid.).
Despite where North Korea is in the project, its goal is to become a nuclear power. There are only a handful of nations with this type of firepower. Iran is also actively seeking nuclear capabilities. If these countries succeed, that will have a profound effect on the world order. A rogue nation like North Korea having this kind of weaponry will lead to an unsettled environment in the surrounding nations and the rest of the world.
That type of fear always produces conflict. It seems like we are getting closer to the final days of this age, as described by Jesus: “And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened” (Matthew 24:22).
Thankfully, Jesus will intervene in the world before the human race destroys itself. We continue to look to that time and have hope in the peace and security He will ultimately bring. (Source: Reuters.)